
能不能麻烦各位帮我看下这封信,是gasgoo上的询盘 我报价后的回信。 我总觉得这个是骗子,谷歌了一下也有说尼日利亚nddc骗子很多,而且我觉得这个数量也不可能那么多,订单也不会那么大。 麻烦各位帮我看下,给我建议,谢谢 thank you very much for your prompt response; i am indeed happy to he made a contact with your company in the very first place which ge me enough confidence on the quality service you about to deliver to my people spearheaded by the nddc for the development of my country, nigeria. firstly, i am using this medium to reach an agreement with you on your cut price per piece for ******(产品信息), with this i should be able to work out modalities for a contract worth $8,150,000.00 million us dollars in your company’s four. now unto my percentage: you shall add $30 onto your cut price for each quantity and multiply by much needed 13000 pieces of ******(产品信息), which means, your cut price + my add-on x 13000pcs. however, as earlier stated in my last message regarding a gentleman price agreement that must be reached between us before a contract bid application would be taken and tabled before the nddc contract award committee. i hereby implore you to prepare a final quotation for the supplies of 13000 pieces of your******(产品信息), using same summary quoted above to accompany a contract bidding application to be taken by your company, meanwhile a written agreement or promissory note shall be drafted and endorsed for a legality of the existing business transaction between us. you shall start the normal processing by writing to the niger delta development commission (nddc) to pick up a contract form and apply for the contract, claiming my recommendation with a contact details which would be communicated to you on the receipt of your quotation sample. i will be expecting your fourable response. best regards,
2013-08-24 1778阅读

1. 电子邮件的语言不太符合通常的商业询盘格式和语气,使用了一些不寻常的表达方式。

2. 发件人似乎在强调尼日利亚政府的参与和推荐,但这在一个商业交易询问中通常不太重要。

3. 该邮件中出现了“add-on”的费用,这在一个正常的商业交易交流中很少见。

4. 数量和交易金额都非常大,但是通常这样的交易需要更详细和谨慎的商业谈判,而不是通过电子邮件进行交流。

5. 根据您的搜索,尼日利亚nddc的骗子活动很常见,因此这封邮件可能是骗子在试图欺诈您。

  • Anna7