
您好, 您所需要的球服暂时没货,我们会尽力地为您寻找它们,并在找到它们后尽快与您! 希望您能谅解我们,并多给一点耐性! dear sir or madam:: we appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods at present. we will look for the goods and keep you informed on our progress. hope that you can understand and give us a little time. sincerely 您好, 由于时近圣诞节,飞往美国的航线非常紧,而且货运量很大,直接导致了我们的到货时间被延迟,希望您能谅解我们的处境,我们会时刻关注您的邮包,一旦到任何信息,我们会马上跟您的! dear sir or madam: much to our regret, the arriving time has to be delayed due to??the approching christmas. the airline to america is tight and the quantity of cargo transportation is huge. wish you can understand. we will keep an eye on your mailbox and let you know as soon as possible if we get any informantion. sincerely 您好, 来信所问的如何与我们进行、订货、付款等事项的解决方法已全部涵盖在随信寄给您的附件里,如果还有任何疑问,欢迎您随时与我们!感谢您对我们公司的关注! dear sir or madam: we he received the letter showing your questions about how to contect with us, goods order, payment item etc. now we he enclosed an attachment covering all the solutions in this e-mail. please let us know if any further questions. thanks for your concerning on our company! sincerely 您好, 请尽快回复确认您的最终订单,并及时付款,以便我司尽快发货,谢谢! dear sir or madam: we wish you could confirm your final bulk-order and do payment on time so that we may deliver the goods within the prescribed time. we look forward to receiving your forable response at an early date. sincerely 您好, 对于 你来信提到的球服的质量问题,我们已将向工厂反映,并向他们索取解决方案,希望您能多给点耐心,当我们得到任何消息后,会立马跟您。 dear sir or madam: we he reflected the quality problem of ball clothes you mentioned in your last letter and asked for resolvent. we will keep you informed on the progress and hope that you can be more patient. sincerely
2013-08-09 689阅读


dear sir or madam:

thank you very much for your attention and support to our products. we have received your order and will process and arrange your goods as soon as possible. please be patient and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or needs.




dear sir or madam:

thank you very much for your interest and support to our products. we have verified your requirements and will provide you with a detailed quotation as soon as possible. please be patient and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or needs.

  • zozo
    谢谢你的分享。 个人认为最后一段 只是经典的CHINGLISH. 大家也可以说说自己的意见。
    Well received your comments ( complain) on the quality of the uniform with Thanks.
    We he forwarded this situation to the Factory and asked for a way out to solve this problem.
    And will  keep you informed once we get a feedback from them .
    Thank you for your patient .