
这个印度客人是加拿大籍的,加拿大的进口商,但是和他生意感觉真的很累,很纠结,至于来龙去脉,请 待我慢慢道来。 这客人从一始询价始,就光问产品的价格大概有发了20来封邮件。。我以前没有过加拿大的单,同事 也没有,这例是我们公司的第一例,不是很了解加拿大的市场,据网友说,加拿大的人一般是价格好,质量 也要好,可是我碰到的这个阿三很难缠,一直在跟我探讨价格,问我铝的多少钱,铝的有点贵了,又问我半 铝半铁的,又嫌贵了,然后又问铁的价格,又重新核算铁的价格,通常我们户外家具都是铝的,铁的很容易 生锈的,他就问我你们铁的会不会生锈的?我说肯定会生锈的,就看你那里天气怎么样了。好了,铁的报给 他,铁的也嫌贵了,然后又问我坐垫可不可以薄一点,还嫌贵,然后又搞成涤纶布的,又要重新核算。彻头 彻尾我看了下有一个月了,还真是我接触外贸以来最极品的一个了。 这个是询价,然后终于下样品单了,然后中间又始询价了,问 了一大堆,还报了一大堆他们的产品,跟我说量很大,要我给最低价格。我都按18%的利润来报的,因为 低于15%我们就要亏本的。然后大概又过了一个月,一月中旬下了一柜,还要拼柜,我当场晕了,你说你 的量大,原来有这么大,当然我没有直接跟他这样说,好说歹说,没法,跟我们老板说情去,这是我们 公司第一个美线的单子,希望老板支持下,老板当时也很正气凌然的说,美线,我们一定要拿下! 就这样,我也接受了他的一个拼柜,不过生产上会很麻烦。我们通常MOQ是one item one hq. 过了一段时间还很意外,他又下了一个拼柜,还是那个产品,那时我还想,两个柜,小打小闹算了,下就 下吧,有单总比没单好吧。 到了四月份,始验货了,竟然是一个阿三过来验货,连续在我们厂里待了5天,每天接送,还要KFC给 他吃。我那时也学坏了,我就一份26块钱的套餐给他吃,他吃不饱,下午三四点应该就可以走了,谁知 道第三天他自己带吃的过来了,连下班也是跟我一起下班,真是晕屎了。。。。他在那的验货不要太烦啊。 就两个柜子,我们一条包装线的人跟他在这里拆啊拆装啊装的,我们产品是KD的沙发。一搞就浪费很多人 力,还好老板不在,随便我怎么搞。。那阿三在旁边不是这个问题就是那个问题,我那时还很忙,在公室 搞些别的事,他就过会一个电话让我过去看一下这个问题,过会叫我去看那个问题。我当时真火!!! 我跟他说WHY???WHY YOU HE SUCH MANY ISSUES??? why you didn't point out after you check the sample???????? 其实大货的一切都是按照样品来的。有什么问题确认样品的时候不说,现在说,我 是不会接受的。然后他对我们这行也不太了解。有些关于工人编工方面的,有些人手干习惯上些油,这样好 编一点,这个阿三就问这什么玩意?怎么能有这个。。真是晕了,这其中阿三每提出一个问题,都给他们 在中国的老板也是一个阿三通个电话,中国老板然后就在QQ上死命的抖我,说太让他失望了,说了一大堆, 我都不知道回什么好。然后晚上的时候加拿大的那边也发了一大堆邮件给我,说太让他失望了。。。我后来 都懒得回他们了,感觉他们一票真特么的累。。。。直到我发火的那天起,他们才没有发那么多邮件给我。 能改的我也按照他们的要求改了,不能改的,你再怎么说,我也不会去改的,这票反正有定金的。。 然后这个验货的小子后来还老是来拍我马屁:GOOD GOOD, GUY GUY, YOU R A GOOD GUY. 叫我去深圳 玩,带我去玩女人。我滚粗了! 后来出完货,一个月后,他们那边很快就到货了,然后又是一大堆问题,不过这些问题也确认是有的。KD 的装不上,不光是我的单子,我们大客户的某五百强超市一万多套也有这个问题,没法了。。。。中间又 写了好多好不和气的邮件,我那时就不应该理他了,没想到今天又来邮件了。这也正是我想请各位大虾帮忙 之处,看看有什么好的招式能够应对的? 其实我还是想的,因为有单好过没单,可心里也有点怕了,万一他继续找茬,这货也好了,岂不是更危 险? 客人的邮件如下: The 3 pcs wicker set has started to collect rust.. how to do..this is really a bad situation for us... we were told it is treated well and good paint coating..but it seems problem is that rusty pipe might he been used for construction.. MR Benneet.. et me tell you something..u know the 4 pcs u ge me had problem..just becos i stopped sending emails doenst mean it is solved automatically..i had to use drill machine to make holes bigger to solve problem..your answer and solution was no good and we tried all..finally only bigger holes solved the problem.. after we bougth from you i also bought 3 containers same item from Ningbo who ge us in 30 days as u were asking 60 days..and all three containers were perfect and good quality rattan.. and we sold out in 2 weeks..??so totla from tyou and them we sold 5 containers of the 4 pcs set. SO now we realise both 3 pcs and 4 pcs from you had issues...??you can ignore me and loose customer who wants 15 containers next season or u do something abt this and tell me what to do for this from you? 大侠们,依你们之见,我是继续跟他好呢还是放弃好呢?要是继续跟他,我该怎么回呢?
2013-07-12 280阅读
ng, I am not satisfied with the quality of your products and service, and I am very disappointed. I have already spent a lot of money and time on this order, and I expected better from a professional company like yours. I hope you can understand my frustration.

Now, as for the rust issue, please send me some photos so I can see the extent of the problem. I also need you to provide me with a plan on how you will resolve this issue for me. I am willing to cooperate and work with you to find a solution, but I need to see that you are taking this issue seriously and that you are committed to resolving it.

In addition, I want to discuss the issue of the KD furniture not assembling properly. This is also a major concern for me, and I need you to provide me with a solution to this issue as well. I am sure you understand that this is a serious problem and it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

I look forward to your response and I hope we can find a solution to these issues together.