TCs 只能发给销售可持续粘胶产品认证机构。 

Verified organizations shall request TCs from CUC for all verified products sold in business to business transactions, except when sold to a final retailer. Verified organizations shall provide TCs upon request. 

B2B 交易中销售的所有认证产品(除销售给最终零售商外),认证组织都应向 CUC 申请 TCs。认证组织应根 据要求提供 TCs。 

The seller shall provide documented proof of the verified products sale to CUC. 

卖方应提供经销售给 CUC 的认证产品的文件证明。 

CUC shall conduct a volume reconciliation during the verification to determine if enough inputs were available to produce the outputs —considering material conversions and wastages — on an annual basis. In addition, CUC shall conduct a volume reconciliation whenever a TC is issued to determine if enough inputs were available to produce the outputs — considering material conversions and wastages — for the batch. 

CUC 应在验证期间进行数量核算,以确定每年是否有足够的输入来生产产品(考虑材料转换和损耗)。此外, CUC 应在 TC 签发时进行数量核算,以确定是否有足够的输入来生产该批次的产品—(考虑到材料转换和浪 费)。

NOTE: All volume reconciliation calculations are done based on the weight of the materials, except in post- production sites where number of items may be more appropriate. 


1.4 Traceability coding system 可追溯编码体系 

TCs shall be numbered using the form: TCs 将会以以下方式编码: 


其中SVSS does not change SVSS 是固定字符不会更改 

VXXXXX- is a 5digit number allocated to the Fiber Manufacturing company (First Processor) VXXXXX 是一个分配给纤维制造公司(产品的第一个加工商)的 5 位编码。

YXXXXX- is a unique 5digit integer specific to the Spinning Mill. 

YXXXXX 是一个分配给纺织厂的独有 5 位编码。 FXXXXX- is a unique 5digit integer specific to the Fabric Mill. 

FXXXXX 是一个分配给织物厂的独有 5 位编码。 GXXXXX- is a unique 5digit integer specific to the Garment Manufacturer. 

GXXXXX 是一个分配给成衣制造厂的独有 5 位编码。

TXXXXX- is a unique 5digit integer specific to the Trader
TXXXXX 是一个分配给贸易商的独有 5 位编码。
A certificate can only be issued if all information submitted by the company is correct and in line with the sent evidence. Issuance of the transaction certificates should take place within 5 days after receiving the documents.
只有公司提交的所有信息正确无误并与提交的证明相符,CUC 才能出具证书。TC 应于收到文件之日起 5
The Certifier prints the TC and signs on behalf of the Managing Director. The TC has to be printed on the official CU certification paper, a signed and stamped pdf document is considered as ‘original’. This means hard copies do not need to be sent by post. The TCs shall only be sent to the applicant.
认证机构打印 TC 并会代表总经理签字。TC 必须打印在 CU 官方认证纸张上,签署并盖章的 pdf 文件被视为“原件”。这意味着 TC 不需要邮寄纸质版本。TCs 只会寄给申请人。

原文来自邦阅网 ( -


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