Mr. Adrian:
I'm glad to have in-depth communication with your company. The English afternoon tea sets you ordered are 175 yuan each. Court Creative Coffee Pot Set, 245 yuan each. Three sets of European fruit trays in the living room, 768 yuan each time. Creative European-style household TV cabinet ceramic decorations, 175 yuan per piece. European modern compact set of dishes and bowls costs 698 yuan each.
In previous communication, the other side hoped to get a 3% discount on the total price. It is difficult to give the other side a discount for the total amount of products ordered by your company is less than 500 yuan. If the total price of the products you bought can reach more than 500 yuan, you can give 2% discount. If the total number of products purchased reaches more than 15 million yuan, you can get a 4% discount. In this transaction, the goods are transported by fas. We will ship the products you ordered to Dalian Port on April 15. Please arrange for your personnel to receive the goods in Dalian Port.
如上沟通即是fas术语经典案例,在其中提到“In this transaction, the goods are transported by fas. We will ship the products you ordered to Dalian Port on April 15. Please arrange for your personnel to receive the goods in Dalian Port.”其所指的是产品销售过程中这批陶瓷制品运输到买方所指定的港口前,风险都是由产品销售方承担的,运输费用也由产品销售方承担,而在这批陶瓷制品运送到买方所指定的港口之后,只要产品购入方接收了这批货品,在此后装船过程之中以及上船之后的相关风险和费用等都由产品购入方承担。
但是需要注意“If both parties wish the buyer to go through the export clearance formalities, they shall stipulate in the contract. The term applies only to sea or inland waterway transport.”这一问题会对销售方企业造成一定的影响,所以在相关和同中销售方企业要尽量规避此种问题。此外,“Other licenses and formalities The seller must, at his own risk and expense, obtain any export license or other official license and, when necessary, complete all customs formalities necessary for the export of goods.”这一类型问题销售方企业也要引起关注,其他方面整体分析,fas术语下成交对于产品销售方企业还是非常有利的。为什么说这一方面的术语应用并不是对于所有的外贸企业都会造成影响呢,原因非常简单,例如磁器等类型产品在运输过程之中损耗的概率较高,不论是暴力装卸,还是因为运输过程中的船只颠簸等等都会引起一定的问题,所以说后期相关保险费用支出较高,外贸企业在购入产品时如果以装船之后计算损耗等等,对于产品销售方企业非常不利,但是这种问题对于大型机械销售企业或者是其他一些固件产品销售而言,所带来的影响并不是很大,所以多数的农用设备外贸销售企业,以及农贸产品出口销售企业等等对于这一类型的问题关注程度并不是很高。是否要在这方面投入更多的时间展开学习,主要是看外贸企业工作人员所从事的是哪一领域的工作,不过对于该方面的内容只要是外贸工作人员就应该有一定的了解,如果涉及行业和其相关性非常密切,就需要深入的进行解读,如果涉及产品销售和这一类型的问题联系性一般,只到了解大概内容即可。