美国海关异常关注清关bond,美国的企业如果在购入外贸产品过程之中没有办理bond,就和没有处理关税一样,对于企业而言是非常危险的,这一类型企业将无法接到国外所发来的任何货品,那么这对于外贸企业是否有影响呢?对于外贸企业的影响也很大,如果没有办理好这一方面的手续,后期阶段当产品运输到美国港口之后,海关不会接受产品,最后导致在交易中出现诸多麻烦,因此关注清关bond很有必要,有些接触外贸工作时间尚短工作人员疑惑于这样的问题,日常工作之中也有一些用户会通过isf bond完成相关交易,isf bond跟清关bond 是一样的吗,这二者看来似乎没有什么区别。


Mr. McCourt:

Your purchase of this batch of decorations totals 13.2 million yuan, involving 12 major categories. This is the largest transaction between us and your company in recent years. Therefore, our board of directors attaches great importance to this transaction. We have previously communicated with you that the other company hopes to receive the goods before April 17. Our company is in urgent need. After deployment, the goods are ready to be dispatched to Shanghai Port.

The current problem is that in the previous communication, we mentioned that you have not yet processed bond. For this reason, we can not deliver the goods. Otherwise, under the condition that the customs can not accept it, it will have a huge economic impact on our company and your company. For this reason, we are going to buy the ISF sent by BOND on behalf of the consignee, so as to solve the problem of fast delivery in the short term.





Mr. Zhang Zhengkai:

I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to the bond issue before. Because our company only deals with bond business once, and does not deal with annual business. Before that, due to the departure of the staff dealing with related business, there was negligence in this link. I'm very sorry for this problem. Since then, when I received the letter from your company, my company has been staffed by staff. Complete bond processing.




Mr. McCourt:

Regrettably, although your company has completed bond processing, but because we have used the ISF sent by BOND in the process of transportation of this product, you have completed the relevant business in time, and can not do any replacement of BOND at present. In the previous communication, we learned that your company had not involved in overseas product shopping before entering into business with our company. As a result, there is still much to be learned about BOND. BOND related work can not be replaced after completion, it must be consistent.



如上信函沟通中的重点就在于“n the previous communication, I learned that your company had no experience in overseas product shopping before entering into business relations with our company, so I still have a lot of knowledge about BOND. BOND related work can not be replaced after completion, it must be consistent.”

上述介绍中我们可以发现isf bond跟清关bond是一样的吗,其回答是,二者虽然具有很多相似性,但是依然具有着本质的区别,如在发货过程之中已经进行了更替,后期二者是不可以进行交换的,所以说对于外贸产品销售方企业而言,在事先一定要和产品购入方企业做好沟通,这能够避免后期的很多不必要问题如上案例中的这家外贸企业对于清关问题了解的还是非常透彻的,因此能够想到在满足用户收货日期前提下选择isf bond,如果在交易已经达成之后,由于产品购入方企业bond未办理而导致交易无法达成。无疑是非常可惜的事情。

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/24345


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