宗教信仰 religious belief
32% are Catholics and Christians, 30% are Muslims and the rest are primitive worshippers; almost all the inhabitants of Zanzibar are Muslims.
语言 language
Kiswahili is the national language and English is the official lingua franca
经商环境 Business climate
East Africa is the second most populous country and the third largest economy, with political and social stability and a large population. Improving the business environment is one of the Government's decision-making priorities, and the restoration of regional and international relations has become a key focus of its development programme.
主要进口商品 Main imports
According to oec.word data,the top exports of China to Tanzania were Tractors, Rubber Footwear, Synthetic Filament Yarn Woven Fabric, Other Furniture, and Trailers and semi-trailers, not mechanically propelled...
机场及港口 Airports and ports
l 现有机场46个,主要海关机场累斯萨拉姆(DAR)、乞力马扎罗(JRO)和桑给巴尔为国际机场(ZNZ)
l 港口:沿海有达累斯萨拉姆、姆特瓦拉、坦噶和桑给巴尔四大港口。
l There are 46 airports, with the main customs airports being Dar es Salaam (DAR), Kilimanjaro (JRO) and Zanzibar as the international airport (ZNZ).
l Ports: There are four major ports along the coast: Dar es Salaam, Mtwara, Tanga and Zanzibar.
CHOICE set up office and warehouse in Tanzania 2014, providing customers with China to Tanzania warehouse to warehouse service, airport to airport service.