第一步:点击评论按钮下方的Report Abuse;
第二步:建议进入评论人的profile page里,查看这个人留下的其他评论,并通过更多账号对他留下的每一个评论点击Report Abuse按钮;
1. 买家留下的评价极少 – 可以控诉是竞争对手刚刚建立的账号,专门用来留下差评
2. 买家对某个卖家留下了多个好评 – 可以控诉这个买家被竞争对手收买并违规留评
3. 买家评价之间的日期跨度较大,比如2017年留下评价之后,最近才又留下评价,说明这个买家可能存在异常行为,过去几个月的评价被删除
Hello Amazon Team,
We are writing this email because e we believe we’ve been targeted by some of our competitors who are fabricating and leaving negative reviews on our product listing page.
We’ve been “reporting abuse”, but we never hear back from you, in the meantime, we have noticed our orders have been dropping very quickly because of the poor reviews.
We believe Amazon is a fair place and only GOOD PRODUCTS can prevail, meanwhile your selling policies state very clearly that nobody should manipulate product reviews. But now, we’ve been suffering from all these fake reviews and we are under tremendous pressure of decreasing order volume and cashflow. We are now giving you the proof of why these reviews are fabricated and fake:
Fact 1: Based on the claim made by the reviewers, we can send you a sample from our stock with FBA Warehouse, or even you can take any one from our stock with you and test it at your end, we will see our products are in premium quality(需要提供产品图片);
Fact 2: All our products are certified by 认证名称 if these claims made by these reviewers were true, how could we have these certificates? Meanwhile, if there is any problem, they could also contact 认证机构 and report the problem(需要提供认证截图);
Fact 3: We’ve searched this buyer on Facebook, and we notice he/she is very active in some Facebook groups which are encouraging buyers to manipulate product reviews (negative or positive) and get free products or even cash from sellers in return(需要提供Facebook社群截图)
Fact 4: The buyer’s activities on Amazon are very unusual (给出留差评的人的Profile网址,形容认为他有哪些异常行为,同事给出截图) is not active on
We do hope you can look into these reviews and remove them ASAP, if you keep ignoring our request of removing these fake reviews, we would have no choice but leaving Amazon Marketplace, and we believe we are not only one of those GOOD Sellers who are suffering from the same issue and it would be a shame on Amazon if we lose faith in you!
Kind regards,