4.2 Testing of Technical Quality Parameters and Residues

4.2 技术质量参数和残留物的检测

“Certified Entities are expected to undertake testing in accordance with a risk assessment in order to assure compliance with this standard and in specific with the criteria of chapter 2.4.14 (Technical Quality Parameters) as well as 2.4.15 and 2.4.16 (Limit Values for Residues in GOTS Goods, additional materials and accessories). All GOTS Goods, the components of these products and the inputs used are to be included in this risk assessment and therefore potentially subject to testing. The testing frequency, the type and number of samples are to be established according to this risk assessment.” …

“为了确保产品符合本标准,尤其符合本标准第 2.4.14 节(技术质量参数)、第 2.4.15 节和第 2.4.16 节 (GOTS 产品、其余原料和辅料的残留物限量值)要求,被认证实体应根据风险评估,对产品进行检测。

所有 GOTS 产品和所用投入物的成分均要纳入到该风险评估当中且要执行可能的测试。测试频率和取样数目应根据该风险评估来确定。”……



Factors that should be considered – if applicable – in an appropriate risk assessment analysis:


Kind of organic fibres used : pesticides and potential GM varieties commonly used if the same type of fibre would have been sourced conventional.

所使用的有机纤维的种类:若市场上供应的同种类的常规纤维,则其通常使用的杀虫剂和潜在的 GM 品种。

Kind of additional conventional fibres, accessories and inputs used : pesticides and potential GM varieties commonly used for the corresponding crop; prohibited additives commonly used for regenerated and synthetic fibres as well as accessories

所使用的其余传统纤维的种类、辅料和投入物:对应作物通常使用的杀虫剂和潜在的 GM品种;再生和合成纤维及辅料通常使用的禁用添加物

(Organic) natural fibre claims : non-natural substitutes used (e.g. natural bamboo fibre : rayon made from bamboo; linen and hemp : synthetic imitation fibres)


Type and amount of approved chemical inputs used for GOTS Goods : any fastness problems known, problematic restricted inputs contained (e.g. AOX, copper) as well as prohibited substances commonly used in the same conventional process


Separation measures in processing : sources of potential contamination from the parallel conventional processing stages performed in the unit


Transport and storage conditions of GOTS goods : prohibited substances commonly used in transport and storage of comparable conventional products


Qualitative GMO screening of cotton within the GOTS supply chain shall be performed by appropriately qualified (such as: ISO 17025) testing laboratories using ISO IWA 32 protocol. This protocol establishes that GMO screening is only possible on unprocessed (raw/greige) cotton. Consequently, testing on chemically processed cotton is not to be carried out.

由适当的合格实验室(例如经ISO 17025认证)使用ISO IWA 32方案进行GOTS供应链内棉花质量GMO筛选。


Notwithstanding the above, GOTS recognises that testing techniques evolve and improve over time. Any techniques other than the ISO IWA 32 protocol and / or testing on processed cotton can be employed only after technically supported external verification and subsequent confirmation of such techniques by GOTS.

尽管如此,GOTS认识到测试技术将随着时间推移而发展和改进。除ISO IWA 32方案和/或加工棉测试之外的任何技术,只有在得到技术支持的外部验证和GOTS随后对此类技术的确认之后,才能够予以使用。

Testing if an enzyme in a textile auxiliary is derived from GM bacteria to date is still hardly possible for independent labs. Certifiers need to rely on other verification and inspection tools such as the GM declaration of the supplier of the enzyme (such declarations are e.g. also requirement for enzymes used in the organic food supply chain under EC 834/2007) or traceability checks of ingredients / raw materials used to determine if the declared enzyme indeed is used for the applied auxiliary.

纺织助剂中的酶,若是来源于 GM 菌,独立实验室目前几乎仍不可能检测。认证机构需借助其它验证和检查工具,诸如酶供应商的 GM 声明(此类声明也是 EC 834/2007 有机食品供应链中所用酶的要求)或对使用的成分或原料进行追踪检查以判定被声明的酶是否确实用于该助剂。

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/142308


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