一、锂电池MSDS认证Material Safety Data Sheet是什么意思

锂电池(Lithium battery)是指电化学体系中含有锂(包括金属锂、锂合金和锂离子、锂聚合物)的电池。


MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) 即物质安全数据表,亦可译为化学品安全技术说明书或化学品安全数据说明书。是化学品生产商和进口商用来阐明化学品的理化特性(如PH值,闪点,易燃度,反应活性等)以及对使用者的健康(如致癌,致畸等)可能产生的危害的一份文件。在欧洲国家,MSDS也被称为安全技术/数据说明书 SDS(Safety Data sheet)。 国际标准化组织 (ISO)11014采用SDS术语,然而美国加拿大澳洲以及亚洲许多国家则采用MSDS术语。

SDS 是 Safety Data Sheet 的首字母缩写,即:安全数据表/安全说明书。

二、锂电池MSDS认证Material Safety Data Sheet,IATA DGR 63版 2022年锂电池




注意:IATA issued a notice on the classification of small lithium battery-powered vehicles when shipped as cargo and the provisions that apply, specifically the wording of Special Provision A214. Devices such as balance wheels, air wheels, solo wheels, mini balance boards and hoverboards, are classified as UN 3171, battery-powered vehicles.


PI 965 and PI 968—Have been revised to remove Section II from these two packing instructions. To provide shippers with time to adapt their logistics processes to ship lithium cells and batteries in accordance with Section IB of Packing Instruction 965 and Packing Instruction 968, as applicable, there is a 3-month transition period until 31 March 2022, during which time shippers may continue to use Section II.

Consequential amendments have been made to 1.6.1, Special Provision A334,, Table 9.1.A and Table 9.5.A to reflect the deletion of Section II of Packing Instruction 965 and Packing Instruction 968.

删除了PI965 Section II和PI968 Section II的章节内容,该两条款还给予了3个月的过渡期,至2022年3月31日止。同时对DGR中的1.6.1、特殊规定(SP) A334、、表9.1.A和表9.5.A做出相应的删除和修改,以应对PI965 II,PI968 II的删除。


PI 966 and PI 969—Have been revised to clarify the packing options for Section I, which are:

the lithium cells or batteries are packed in a UN specification packaging, then placed with the equipment in a strong rigid outer packaging; or

the cells or batteries are packed with the equipment in a UN specification packaging.

The packing options in Section II have been deleted, as there is only one option available given that there is no requirement for UN specification packagings.

修订PI966 Section I和PI969 Section I(设备与锂离子电池或锂金属电池放置在一个包装内)的包装选项

l 锂电池采用UN小包装后,再与设备一起放置在坚固的大包装中

l 或锂电池与设备一起放置在UN大包装中

删除Section II的包装选项。

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/126146


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