
我们通过一个美国进口商给Petsmart供货,在通关的时候,海关认为我们所选的产品HS编码不对,有骗退税嫌疑,要我们出解释。我们在周日了第一次解释没有通过,被海关把柜子移交给通关科,导致无法赶上船期。我们周三重新去跟海关解释,海关给予放行。但是很遗撼,客人指定货代一始认为我们是无法说服海关放行的,并且没有去跟船公司订下一个星期的船,所以只能订下下周的船期,导致多延误一个船期。货代在客人面前说是我们的错误导致连续两个星期的延误,客人把货代的邮件转给我们,要我们出解释,于是我解释完毕顺便投诉了这个货代一贯以来的一些问题,没有太多的业务技术含量,但是涉及到一些逻辑顺序和邮件格式,供各位参考。 货代发给客人的邮件: Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 10:14 PM Subject: FM SHA TO ATLANTA SHPR:SHANGHAI BE TRADING Dear Mario SHPR:SHANGHAI BE TRADING CNEE: PETSMART M/V:HANJIN PRETORI.0070E HB/L:BGTSH00828373 etd SHA:Aug.25 Due to when Chinese Customs Bureau do the customs inspection, They find shipper classify the incorrect H.S code, As a result, we can not catch the vessel which is in our orginal plan. Now we he to wait to book the first ailable vessel when customs release this shipment, As we get the relative information about vessel, I will inform you! Tks&B.rgds Rainbow 客人要求我们给以解释: Melissa/Michael: Advice us what happened on below shipment? Please any delay counts on us with dates, we need to know what PO is this and when will be next ETD. We are under target with dates. Caya pl. follow up. Thanks, Patty De ila Office Manager 我的回复: Dear Patty, The po# in this shipment is 90013&90014. 1) We he used the same HS code for Custom declaration for many years.It's Customs' regular inspection and??because there is a wording on the header card " intended as a treat, not food", which looks not consistent with the HS code, since the HS code cover a range of food product, they want us to clarify. We explained to Customs today, and they accept our explaination and release the cargos today. For the next ETD, Forwarder said there is no shipping space next week, and the earliest shipment will be Sept.8.We can do nothing at this moment. 2) You asked us to check with your forwarder for more shipping info., but in the actual operation for the past several shipment, we meet some problems with the forwarder. Below is a recap of the problems: 2.1.Lack of logistic knowledge, for each shipment, we will ask the forwarder for discharge port, and place of delivery, but it seems they are not clear. 2.2.Not formiliar with your docs requirement and logistic requirement, we asked shipping instruction from the forwarder, but finally we he to wrote emails to you back and forth, and verify each point with u, this cause low efficiency and extra workload; 2.3.Not proactive enough, this forwarder is late in confirming booking shipping space, normally in China, forwarder is able and should cfm the booking info. 7 calendar days before ship date, but this forwarder can only cfm the booking info. 4-5 days before ship date, this has happened in the past two booking. And this affect our container loading. 2.4. Lack of operation plan. When Customs inspected??po#90013&90014, they did not he any schedule to maintain the best ETD, just wait, and when we informed the forwarder that Customs released the shipment, forwarder advised no shipping space ailable in the next week. Surely we will try our best to work with your forwarder in ongoing shipment. But considering the reason above, we may he some questions about shipment & docs and need to??go back to you directly, especially for??the first several shipment.We'd like to solicit your understanding and patience for this.BTW, do you he shipping instruction of your company can send us? Best regards, Michael Wang
2013-05-14 2484阅读
Dear Patty,

The PO# for this shipment is 90013&90014.

1) We have been using the same HS code for custom declaration for many years. It was Customs' regular inspection that brought up concerns due to a wording on the header card "intended as a treat, not food", which may not be consistent with the HS code. Customs wanted us to provide clarification, and we explained it to them today. They accepted our explanation and released the cargos today.

Regarding the next Estimated Time of Departure (ETD), the forwarder has informed us that there is no shipping space available next week, and the earliest shipment will be on September 8. We deeply regret that we cannot do anything to speed up the process at this moment.

2) You asked us to check with your forwarder for more shipping information, but we have encountered several problems with the forwarder in previous shipments. Here is a summary of the issues:

2.1. Lack of logistic expertise: The forwarder has shown a lack of knowledge and expertise in handling complex logistics operations, which has caused delays and complications in the past.

2.2. Failure to communicate effectively: There have been instances where the forwarder failed to provide timely updates and failed to respond to our inquiries in a prompt manner, resulting in confusion and delays.

2.3. Inadequate coordination with shipping lines: We have noticed that the forwarder does not have strong relationships or effective coordination with shipping lines, which has resulted in missed vessel bookings and delayed shipments.

We understand the frustration caused by these issues and apologize for any inconvenience and delays they may have caused. We are actively seeking alternative solutions and exploring other reliable and efficient freight forwarders who can better meet our logistics needs.

Please accept our deepest apologies for any disruption this has caused to your operations, and be assured that we are doing everything we can to rectify the situation and minimize future delays.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
  • Firoz.Khan
  • zhang25
    您好,Mr,Hason, you are very professional forwarder . i want to know if  your company possess branch office in tianjin city. my msn : zhandong2006@zklgr=d_okg .if you like , please add me and i will talk with you ,ok?
  • fernando2
  • C.K.Sethia



    装箱费:67 /立方(不足3个立方按三个立方算)

    Verna Chen
    Schenker China Ltd.
    Ningbo Branch
    Sea Export Dept.

    Room B,12/F,New Garden Hotel Business Building ,
    No.188, Jie Fang South Road Ningbo 315010, Zhejiang Province , P.R.China
    Phone:+86 574 87175592
    Fax:+86 574 87175638
  • maiyinren
  • fernando2
    I can't agree you more.
  • 徐佳
    1. 尊重你的货人,时刻为货人着想
    2. 把你不能按时出运的理由主动告诉货人了,并叮嘱货人告知其安排之后出运的是事宜,如果国内FOB货代还是没有主动和你沟通或者说没有帮你订舱,那么责任完全就在FOB货代这里了,同时你就掌握了主动权。
    3. 如此操作,可以给你的货人留下十分专业的深刻映像,便于以后的生意往来

  • Yordan.Shishkov

  • Yordan.Shishkov
    第一, FOB货代只和国外沟通,在操作过程中遇到问题希望你以后还是先将预估的情况告知FOB货代,FOB货代会将具体情况告知国外,等待国外确认.
    第二, 在FOB,希望你以后还是及时先和国外确认,理由很简单,你先和国外货人确认了,你就占了主动,不要等你的货人来追问货物的情况
    第三, FOB货代中,是没有销的,所以从业人员的心态和CIF的货代是不一样的,所以只能你主动,不能希望FOB货代主动

    Hanson Wang
  • Yordan.Shishkov

  • Firoz.Khan
    LZ没有彻底搞清楚FOB的货代所承担的义务和责任,或者说LZ没有搞清楚自己承担的责任和义务,作为CIF货代的话,确实货代有义务提醒LZ在遇到此类事情的时候是否会继续改配下个航次.但是,作为FOB货代所有的一切指令和装运期都必须来自国外的确认.为什么当货遇到问题的时候,你没有首先和你的货人告知此事,且预估一个装货期给货人,要求货人告知其继续订舱下个航次.显然,LZ没有搞清楚CIF & FOB的区别,请参考下对于CIF & FOB责任划分的细则.

    Hanson Wang
  • Will.Robinson
  • Will.Robinson
  • zhang25
    这样的货代真是可恶,学习下,楼主回复的很清楚,客户 会明白的