
首先说一下我是业务中的菜鸟,没有很大的订单,在公司的九个月里拿了六个算是小的单,客户有美国的,日本的,澳大利亚的,德国的.说一下,虽然不喜欢日本但不得不承认那一个日本客户是我所有的客户里面最爽快的,发LOGO,图,更改,确认,报价,连样板都不用直接下单付订金,货好后通知的第二天余额的水单已经到了.然后是澳大利亚,再是德国,最难缠的是一个美国客户. 有时候真没精力去跟一个老外纠缠那么多,但总有方方面面的原因让我这个极其懒的人不得不去应付. 美国客户Ann第一个订单,在我对工人"压迫"出了比较好的质量之后,不久就返单了,第二单的时候让我对刚起步生意的客户都产生"一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳"的心理. 首先是产前样出来之后ANN突然对自己的设计不满意了,想要改设计,工厂最烦这种事情,一个LOGO版起好了作废重新起一个又要等确认很费时费力还费钱.但在客户的苦苦要求下和我的心软下,就答应了.花了些时间,然后确认,货.通知付余款,准备出货. 这时竟然跟我讨价还价起来了,我还没遇过一个客户是货好后才来还价的,坚决不给. 然后是ANN各种吐苦水,说合作伙伴对这个价格很不满意,大大超出了预算,要求我们在单价或者运费上面降低,不然没有法付余额了. 这个单我们真没有多少利润,但客户一直以为我们发了大财.当时刚好快临近今年的春节,我整天忙得头晕哪里还有时间给你客气,就给客户回信委婉地拒绝了,也强调我们并不会在运费上赚他的钱,你可以去问其他货代.(玩笑,一个对运费完全不熟悉的人怎么可能可以拿到比我们货代一样的特惠价,不利用这个时候赚那么一点客户的运费怎么可能,嚯嚯嚯)还说,另外春节快到了现在运费涨得厉害,最好是快点付余额,不然还得涨. ANN果然没有找到比我的运费更便宜的,但是发来了封邮件,其中说道: I would like you to get with your supervisors as well and discuss the possibility of your company paying half of the shipping costs. If you can do this for me I can transfer the money by Tuesday otherwise I will he to wait until your holiday is over. 我其实有些不耐烦的,因为第一我们的价格确实优惠,第二这不是产品有什么问题或者货期晚了可以给你折扣,你这是自己不够钱然后明目张胆地叫我给你降价,甚至要我出一半的运费,你知道单单是一半的运费就要好几千块钱的事情,我们的利润都没这么多,你好意思说出来我都不好意思听了.我不急着出货,但是你急着要货呀.于是我干脆装傻听不懂,然后等你直白地说出意图之后,我再装作被你吓死,然后装可怜.我回复ANN: Hi Ann, You are our regular customer and we are very impressed by your kindness, we feel delighted when seeing your store is opened, and sincerely want to support you for a long long time. We understand that you may need the goods urgently for your store, after discussing with our leader, we agree to pay half of shipping cost for you first at this time, so that you can arrange the balance and get the goods earlier. As I mentioned that the shipping cost is charged by the shipping agent and we do not he ANY profit from it, what we can do is taking our own turnover to cover your freight first. then after our spring festival holiday, is it able for you to arrange the other half of shipping cost say by 15th? Lynn 然后ANN当然是回复说,不是的我不是要你们先垫着一半运费,我是要你们承担. 我装傻完后就始戏了: Hi Ann, I got your meaning. what I can say now is that I'm sorry I'm not able to take half of shipping cost, to be honest our profit of this order is much lower than your imagine, taking half of the shipping cost is taking our profit at all. and this order he taken very much time which has made our turnover difficult, we also he our difficulty Ann, it's not because we do not want to help, it's because we are unable to do it. It's Saturday today already and we will be on holiday from next Tuesday, I he been stressful, and he to report to my boss soon, pls give me your feedback. thanks. Lynn (什么你要我给你付一半运费啊?我好晕啊我压力好大啊我真的无能为力了,还要去跟老板报告,过几天就放假了你给个回复看怎么吧,反正我是真的没法了嘤嘤嘤) ANN回复: I he gone over everything and this is what I can do now for us to stay in budget for this month. Would you please give me a PI for the item 1 and send that one, I will wire the money asap and than give you the wire transfer number. While you are away I can than wire the money for the item 2 and 3 and when you can or when you get back you can send those. This way we will stay in budget and can handle the shipping costs. I hope this is alright with you. I am sorry to cause you stress, it makes me very sad; I do want a long relationship with you and do not want to cause any stress. Please let me know if this is good and than tomorrow I will wire the money. I will need the item 1 sent though before you lee. Thank you 很好,然后就是等水单,货代比我们早放假,我当时还没到水单,于是干脆在还没到水单的情况下把货先交给货代发去深圳,等通知发货.当然并没有告诉客户,只是一直催他你快点我们货代要走了,等会就发不出去了.顺利的是很快余款就到了,解决了其中一款. 后来的2和3款也在年后出货了.有些客户就是这样子,以为我们的利润多大,解释又不听,死要磨着你的价格,其实到样板或者大货后他就会发现一分钱一分货,有时态度无奈一点硬一点还比苦苦请求客户谅解来得有效. 内个,当然不是对每一个客户都可以这样,是因为我对这个单的的质量和单价的性价比有信心才会这么,而且客户也是不讲理,要是价格不满意你早就说了,货好之前一声不发,好后就说你预算不够,你一定是在欺负银家. 菜鸟欢迎各种喷. 祝各位订单多多!生意兴隆!
2013-05-13 1662阅读
ur message and I apologize for the misunderstanding. Our company policy does not allow us to bear the full shipping cost for our customers. As I mentioned earlier, the shipping cost is charged by the shipping agent and we do not have any control over it. We can only cover half of the shipping cost for you this time as a gesture of goodwill.

However, if you are unable to arrange the other half of the shipping cost, we understand and respect your decision. We can ship the goods after our spring festival holiday, when the shipping cost might have stabilized. Please let us know your preference and we will proceed accordingly.

Thank you for your understanding.

  • Wilson-v2
  • eileen
  • sally
  • sally
    楼主好,我是LED的工厂,看到你关注了Miraclebeam Products Inc 这个公司,我厂目前正和这个公司生意,尾款一直不上来,美国电话也一直没人接。
  • Rocky.Gu
    很好的 我们都是成本价了还降价 不说说不要钱送了
  • christina3
  • Catherine7
  • 通和
  • Dharmesh.Mehta
  • alish
  • 叶先生
  • jiwenjie
    是呀 有的客户就是这样 讨厌