这就属于典型的“催促客户”,而不是“跟进客户”。稍微有那么一点点脑子的,可能会多来一句:Free Samples could be sent on request.(算是把开发信的一个小招数用上了)。但是这也仅仅是五十步笑百步,并没有实质性的区别。我们要知道的是,跟进客户的目的是为了一个case能够顺利地推动,己方尽自己最大的努力,给客人提供一切的方便和便利,解决客人所有的问题,给出专业的意见和最优化的方案,为客户着想,帮客户赚钱,同时也让自己获利,从而得到双赢。这是我对于“跟进客户”的理解。
This is ***(公司名省略). We are a 200 workers factory. Our price is very competitive but the quality is good enough. We are located near the *** and have a very beautiful ***. (省略100单词以上的美丽城市和地理位置简介)
“Good Faith, Innovation, and Benefit with each other” is our factory’s banner. Our principle is Create Products Value, *** (再省略100单词以上的公司口号、公司理念、经营方针策略……)
We have set up our market in Europe, America, Africa, Asia, Oceania and have a lot of steady customers. We will cooperate with our customers smoothly and fulfill “win-win situation” ***(再次省略100单次以上的套话)