
大家是否有过未付款订单不知如何是好的情况?或者客户投诉质量问题而自己不知如何应对的情况?下面是敦煌网总结的一些询盘的回复模板,您可以找到各种情况下对海外家的回复法~希望能帮到您哦~ 未付款订单 Dear $buyer, We he got your order of XXXXXX。 But it seems that the order is still unpaid. If theres anything I can help with the price, size, etc., please feel free to contact me. After the payment is confirmed, I will process the order and ship it out as soon as possible. Thanks! Best Regards $myname 译文:我们已到你的订单,但订单似乎未付款。如果在价格和尺寸上有什么能帮助的,请随时与我。当付款完成,我将立即备货并发货。谢谢! 提示:请根据您产品自身特点对描述内容进行修改。 已付款订单 Dear $buyer, Your payment for item XXXXXXXXXXXXXX has been confirmed. We will ship your order out within XXX business days as promised. After doing so, we will send you an e-mail notifying you of the tracking number. If you he any other questions, please feel free to let me know. Thanks! Best Regards $myname 译文:您的订单编号为XXXXXXXXXXXXXX的款项已到,我们将在承诺的XXX天内发货,发货后,我们将通知你货运单号。如果您有任何问题请随时我。谢谢! 提示:请填上您的订单号和发货天数。 发货后 Dear $buyer, The item XXXXXXXXXXXXXX you ordered has already been?shipped out and the tracking number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The shipping status is as follows: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. You will get it soon. Thanks for your support! Best Regards $myname 译文:订单号为XXXXXXXXXXXXXX的货物已经发货,发货单号是XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,运输方式是XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,订单状态是XXXXXXXXXXXXXX。您将会很快到货物,感谢您的支持和理解。 提示:请填写订单号、发货单号、运输方式和发货日期。 询问是否到货 Dear $buyer, According to the status shown on EMS website, your order has been received by you. If you he got the items, please confirm it on DHcrl?_okg. If not, please let me know. Thanks! Best Regards $myname 译文:EMS网站显示您已到货物。如果您已到货物请到敦煌网确认,如果有问题请告知我。谢谢! 提示:可根据您货物的实际情况进行更改。 客户投诉产品质量有问题 Dear $buyer, I am very sorry to hear about that. Since I did carefully check the order and the package to make sure everything was in good condition?before shipping it out, I suppose that the damage might he happened during the transportation. But I’m still very sorry for the inconvenience this has brought you. I guarantee that I will give you more discounts to make this up next time you buy from us. Thanks for your understanding. Best Regards $myname 译文:很抱歉听到发给您的货物有残损,我在发货时再三确定了包装没有问题才给您发货的。残损可能发生在运输过程中,但我仍旧因为带给您的不便深表歉意。当您下次从我这购时,我将会给您更多的折扣。感谢您的谅解。 提示:请根据投诉的实际情况进行更改。 订单完成 Dear $buyer, I am very happy that you he received the order. Thanks for your support. I hope that you are satisfied with the items and look forward to doing more business with you in future. Thanks! $myname 译文:我很高兴地看到您已到货,感谢您的支持。希望您满意,并期待着在将来与您更多的生意。 提醒家给自己留评价 Dear $buyer, Thanks for your continuous support to our store, and we are striving to improve ourselves in terms of service, quality, sourcing, etc. It would be highly appreciated if you could lee us a positive feedback, which will be a great encouragement for us. If there's anything I can help with, don't hesitate to tell me. Best Regards $myname 译文:感谢您继续支持我们,我们正在改善我们的服务,质量,采购等。如果您可以给我们一个积极的反馈,我们会非常感激,因为这对我们来说是一个很大的鼓励。如果有什么我可以帮助,不要犹豫请告诉我。 货物断货 Dear $buyer, We are very sorry that item you ordered is out of stock at the moment. I will contact the factory to see when it will be ailable again. I would like to recommend some other items of similar styles. Hope you like them too. You can click on the following link to check them out XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX?? ?.If there’s anything I can help with, please feel free to contact us. Thanks! Best Regards $myname 译文:真是对不起,您的产品目前缺货,我会与工厂什么时候能补上,并将随时告知你。以下链接的产品也很不错XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ,您可以看看。有什么我可以帮忙的,请随时与我们。谢谢! 提示:请在横线处添加同类产品的链接。 折扣 Dear $buyer, Thanks for your message. Well, if you buy both of the XXXX items, we can offer you a XXX % discount. Once we confirm your payment, we will ship out the items for you in time. Please feel free to contact us if you h
2013-06-09 664阅读
hank you for your understanding and support. If you he any other questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know. We will do our best to provide you with a satisfactory solution.
Best Regards

