Regarding??revise the PI, and could you possibly tell me why would you like to cancel your order?
I he reported to company. I am terribly sorry that you couldn't cancel the order, because when you confirm the PI, and downed the deposit. We arranged to produce the valve bodies. For some products, it’s really difficult for us to sell them out, like the socket weld ball valve. We’ll cancel the order if we hen't started manufacturing, but the question is that we had arranged for producing bodies before you told us you had to ignore the order. We understand something is just out of your control, but also please kindly consider for us as well.
If you insist on cancel the order, I am afraid my company has to keep my 3-month salary. And unfortunately there's nothing I can do. I feel so sad and innocent because it's not my fault either and I’ve tried my best to do what I can do.May God bless me.