the 50% deposit prior to shipping (when we he a ship date) is fine.??however, it would defeat the purpose to pay the balance against the bill of lading.??our primary goal is to receive the product into our u.s. warehouse.??at this point our qc lab will test the product.??our qc lab will then send a report to the accounts payable manager who will wire the balance to your account.
we could discuss a compromise.??we could wire a 50% deposit prior to shipping and agree to pay the balance within 10 days (rather than 30 days) from receipt into our warehouse.??this would allow us time for our lab to run an expedited test and approve the payment on the balance due.
i hope this is compromise is acceptable.??we really cannot do business unless you are willing to work with us on mutually beneficial payment terms.
looking forward to your reply.
这个是和客户讨论过一次之后的回复邮件,之前客户要求货物到岸之后30天再付剩余的50%。现在可以缩短到10天。客户之前发来他们公司的credit information。有什么法可以确保剩余货款的签么?l/c客户不愿意。