(11)需求大则必然会造成涨价,这一点希望引起你方注意,同时请你们早日作答.从前的译文: Active demand will certainly result in increased price, to which we hope you will pay attention. Meanwhile , we expect your early reply.在语法与语义的完整性上都无懈可击,但在语气上居高临下,含有教训人的口气,读者自然不悦.如果着眼于促成生意的目的,可以略去不说"注意".a. As you are aware that big / active / great demand in the market will lead to price hikes, we look forward to your early orders.b,Probably you he noticed that strong market demand for steel tubes , and an early order will benefit both of us.(从对方的角[收起]