感谢各位热心福友的关心和大力支持, 余款今天终于到了,结局还算圆满。
这一周着急死了, 发邮件,打电话,打手机, 货代让货代帮忙催并好退运准备,一边大使馆, 终于昨天中午客户回邮件“I am really sorry for this late reply. I had to trel to the US for couple days and my partners forgot to do the payment. But don't worry, today I asked my friend to do it and he confirmed me that he has already do this last payment.
Please, check with your bank. It shouldn't take more than 48hr in order to he all the money in your account."
十点的样子银行打电话通知钱到了。终于可以放松了, 下午[收起]