想邀请函的巴基斯坦人?怎么辨别巴基斯坦公司NtN 号码真伪?
现在我也有个 疑似客户的巴基斯坦人要让帮他visa之类.
这个人很奇怪,阿里上发了询盘,报价之后 说要来看厂,没对产品价格任何评价,而且从邮件感觉他们是很,,让人无语的人,每次发邮件都问些重复的问题,比如报价单上已经显示了 公司名字和品牌,他会发n多邮件问,你们厂子叫什么名字,5分钟之后他会问 你们牌子是什么,要么不回信 要么5分钟发一封。
来往3封邮件左右,就始让我帮他类似派遣函的东西, 问他要公司营业执照 他避而不谈,问他要签证复印件倒是发了,他们要来三个人,一个是他说的采购,也就是他老婆。86年的貌似一个他说是他公司的的director, 其实是他的弟弟94年的。他自己是个80年的。 问他们公司名字,他说他公司名字是叫---contact us.。。。。问他之前和别的公司合作过没,可以让合作公司帮他,他说。他和中国公司合作很多次,但是没有公司名字。真无语了。 看看他写信的语气。
he a nice weekend
dear here is my wife (purchased manager) her son ( two years old) and my brother the company directer passport and details.
i am sending also my passport and my valid visa.
dear my company name is contact us.
we are general trader. we he deal with so many things.
address office: al-harmain tower 2, plot no-91/3 b.m.c.h.s office no 3.
sharfabad karachi pakistan.
address house: b-56 block 3 gulistan-e-jouhar karachi. pakistan.
kindly send me geniune invitation as soon as possible because we needs to come very urgent bassis.
best regards
very very thanks miss ****
we will do ery good business together.
dear i he isa for china but my company manager and mr y*** also wants to come china for this business deal.
and we went embassy but they said to us please provide us a foreigner ministery letter to get for visa.
is it possible will you arrange two visa for us
shall be very thanks full
***** fatani
没有公司名字,邮箱是hotmail的。期间给我打过电话,电话也google 不到。
ntn 倒是了,但是了我也不知道真假啊,
my ntn number . 4052017-0
有知道辨别巴基斯坦公司ntn 号码真伪的网站或者途径吗?[收起]