(This is an Old Issue 2008-2-14)
This Week's Tip:
I'm Thinking About YOU
I'm thinking about you today,
Valentine's Day.
Yes, today is especially a day all about
Well, I'm thinking about you mostly to
give you an idea that can help you build
better relationships with your customers,
and turn more of the nonbuying prospects
in your database into customers.
It's pretty simple: Call people and tell them
you are thinking about them.
What? That's it.
Why not? Who does not react warmly when
they are told they are being thought about.
(Unless of course it's a creepy stalker, a bill
collector, or the IRS.)
Well, OK, maybe it's not THAT simple. There is
just a bit more. The key to success is in
doing it correctly so it has the intended impact.
First, let me tell you how I became a big
proponent of the "Thinking About You" call.
I've long made fun of openings--mostly
to existing customers, and prospects you want
to stay in touch with--that are valueless.
See if you've been guilty of any of these.
The Probation Officer Approach:
"Just checking in with you..."
The Baseball Opening:
"Just wanted to touch base with you..."
The I've Got Too Much Time on My Hands Call:
"Thought I'd give you a call to see
how it's going..."
Oh, sure, some could argue these are courtesy
calls. Customer relation calls. It shows you
Well, perhaps the intent is there, but if you just
show up on the phone with no value to share, like
the mooching cousin showing up on your doorstep
looking for a place to spend the night, it's a
nuisance call, plain and simple. You are taking
up their time without anything of value in return.
Now don't get me wrong. There is tremendous
value in touching your prospects and customers.
(By phone, silly. You know what I mean.) But
you want them to say they got something
from the call.
You do not want them to think, "Oh, it's the
industrial supply rep again. Just checking to
see if I he an order for him."
Instead, you want them to feel,
"Oh, every time Allison calls, she has something
for me that I can use. I love hearing from her."
Which brings me back to the "Thinking of
you" call. You need to grab their attention
right away, and then deliver the goods. And
perhaps get a sale, or move the sale forward,
or at the very least, strengthen the relationship.
What To Do and Say
Here's exactly how to do it.
Call with some news, an idea, something you
heard or saw that could benefit them, a
sale or promotion they could take advantage
of...anything that would cause them to say,
"Oh, that's interesting stuff."
For example,
"Hi Jim, it's Pat at Universal Services. I was reading
some new performance reports, and I started
thinking about you. I realized that you might be
interested in what these reports had to say, because
of what you mentioned on our last call about...?"
"Kyle, it's KrisAnn at with Jensen Engineering.
I was thinking about you, and some of the points
you made about your specific hydraulic needs
during our last conversation. I he a few ideas I'd
like to run by you.?"
"Hey Dan, Stan Phelps at Hill Street Construction.
I heard some interesting information about a few
new concrete processes, and you came to mind
as someone who could really profit from it. . ."
So, make those calls and let people know you are
thinking about them. And, without exception, he a
Value Added Point. Doing so will help create, build
and strengthen relationships.