COSMOS 标准(COSMOS-standard)是目前为止有机化妆品领域,全球通用度最高的一种执行标准。同时也是化妆品中最为流行的、欧洲普遍采用的标准,其由国际非营利独立协会 COSMOS-standard AISBL 管理,总部设在比利时布鲁塞尔。协会创始成员:德国 BDIH、法国 Cosmebio、法国 Ecocert、意大利 ICEA 和英国the Soil Association,旨在促进企业使用有机、天然的原料,保护消费者健康和环境。
• COSMOS Organic:包含有机成分且对其含量有最低要求的化妆品
• COSMOS Natural:对有机成分含量没有最低要求的天然化妆品
• COSMOS certified:来源于有机农业的化妆品原料
• COSMOS Approved:来源于非有机化妆品原料
The COSMOS-standard is managed by a non-profit, international and independent association – the Brussels based COSMOS-standard AISBL.The founding members (BDIH - Germany, Cosmebio - France, Ecocert - France, ICEA - Italy and the Soil Association - UK) continue to bring their combined expertise to the continuous development and management of the COSMOS-standard.
The board consists of a representative from each of the founding organisations and is chaired by Harald Dittmar of BDIH. Specialist committees such as the technical and certifier committee advise the board and team.