2022年已迈入第四季度,此时全球贸易最关心的莫过于席卷大半个地球的能源危机给各国带来的经济和商业贸易变化。有着“神秘面纱”著称的沙特阿拉伯王国在王储“2030愿景(Vision 2030)”的推动和全球大环境影响下,传统的沙特社会和消费风向也在发生着翻天覆地的变化。

As we enter the fourth quarter of 2022, we are most interested in the economic and commercial changes that the energy crisis sweeping half the world is bringing to countries. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, known for its "veil of secrecy", is also undergoing a radical change in traditional Saudi society and consumer trends, driven by Vision 2030.


Now, let's take a look at the recent consumer trends and shifts in Saudi Arabia, and predict what opportunities there are for the year-end peak season in the Saudi market.



'Richest' title stands, spending power still online


Saudi grows amidst headwinds as the global economy as a whole shows a downturn


The IMF estimates that Saudi Arabia's economic growth rate is expected to be as high as 7.6% in 2022, thanks to the order-shifting effect of the EU's reduced energy dependence on Russia. Saudi Arabia's GDP per capita is also expected to rise sharply from US$23,500 in 2021 to around US$28,000 in 2022. on 31 October, Saudi Arabia also reported an 8.6% year-on-year rise in preliminary GDP for the third quarter.



More sensible spending in an inflationary environment


根据Twitter 中东和北非研究负责人Walid Issa表示,“Twitter2022年趋势报告发现,沙特阿拉伯的用户更加自觉地节俭消费。在高通胀时代,节俭是新生活的标志。”在2022年ASDA'A BCW阿拉伯青年调查中也显示,影响他们下单的关键性因素是:质量、折扣和免费送货


数据来源:rwr/s?x._okg 制图:赛时空运

数据来源:rwr/s?x._okg 制图:赛时空运

Consumer prices in Saudi Arabia rose by 3% in August as local food and transport costs rose amid global inflation. "No more money, no more spending" Saudi consumers are spending more sensibly.

According to Walid Issa, head of research for the Middle East and North Africa at Twitter, "The Twitter 2022 Trends report found that users in Saudi Arabia are becoming more conscious of their frugal spending. In an era of hyperinflation, frugality is a sign of a new life." The ASDA'A BCW Arab Youth Survey 2022 also revealed that the key factors influencing their orders are: quality, discounts and free shipping.

Also, the Twitter Trends report shares the tendency of Saudi consumers to shop online during White Friday by platform and category of goods.



The trend towards modern consumerism is gaining momentum


If you know social media marketing, you can win the attention of the Saudi people


沙特的互联网覆盖率非常高,截止2022上半年,沙特的互联网用户约为3500万,互联网渗透率达到98%。现在,通过直播和短视频销售跟客户粘度越发明显,沙特也不例外,根据D2C出海营销数据,沙特社交用户数量已达 2,930 万,占总人口的 82.3%


According to relevant data, basically everyone in Saudi is an internet user, and almost everyone uses social networking platforms.

Saudi has a very high Internet coverage, as of the first half of 2022, Saudi Arabia's Internet users are about 35 million, Internet penetration rate reached 98%. Now, the viscosity with customers through live and short video sales is becoming more and more obvious, and Saudi is no exception. According to D2C outbound marketing data, the number of social users in Saudi Arabia has reached 29.3 million, accounting for 82.3% of the total population.


Of course, the 'cultural red line' of policy, religion and beliefs must be adhered to in all cases. 


Acceptance on the rise, encouraging coexistence of foreign cultures

众所周知,沙特是以伊斯兰教主导的国家,沙特对国际的节日参与度只能说是“凑热闹”。但随着“2030愿景(Vision 2030)”提出,沙特社会越发开放和包容

自从2021年,万圣节成为沙特首个可以公开庆祝的异教节日。在Google search的数据中,“万圣节”这一搜索趋势在2021年同比增长了40%。据纽约时报媒体报道,今年的万圣节,商场和超市随处可见万圣节装饰品和南瓜的身影。

As we all know, Saudi Arabia is a predominantly Islamic country and its participation in international festivals can only be described as 'join in the fun'. But with Vision 2030, Saudi society is becoming more open and inclusive.

Since 2021, Halloween has been the first pagan holiday to be celebrated publicly in Saudi Arabia. According to Google search, the search trend for "Halloween" has increased by 40% year-on-year in 2021. According to the New York Times media, Halloween decorations and pumpkins are everywhere in malls and supermarkets this year.


Digital payments are the "new common condition" for Saudi spending

沙特支付公司Mada和Visa发布了一项关于大流行对沙特消费者支付行为的影响的调查,结果显示,当他们在商店购物时,77%的人使用数字支付而不是现金,其中大多数使用非接触式卡 (56%) 和移动钱包 (60%)。对于喜欢网购的受访者,62%的受访者表示自己使用卡或数字钱包进行货到付款。即使是在疫情过后,依然超一半消费者选择使用非接触式支付。

Saudi payments companies Mada and Visa have released the results of a survey on the impact of the pandemic on Saudi consumers' payment behaviour, showing that 77% of people use digital payments rather than cash, with the majority using contactless cards (56%) and mobile wallets (60%). For respondents who prefer to shop online, 62% said they use a card or digital wallet for cash on delivery. Even after the outbreak, more than half of consumers still choose to use contactless payments.



Strong growth in the travel and hospitality sector

“2030愿景(Vision 2030)”最主要的目标便是促进经济多元化,而发展旅游业是其中重要一环。近年来,沙特持续开发旅游景点和设施,丰富文化娱乐项目,陆陆续续推出了包括红海旅游、欧拉古城、尼欧姆旅游等等超大型旅游项目。



Vision 2030's main objective is to diversify the Saudi economy and tourism is a key part of this. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has continued to develop its tourist attractions and facilities, enriching its cultural and entertainment offerings and launching mega-tourism projects including Red Sea tourism, the ancient city of Eura and Niyom tourism.

The United Nations World Tourism Organization recently released a report showing that in July this year, Saudi Arabia attracted 121% more inbound international tourists than in July 2019, making it one of the fastest recovering countries in the world's major economies in terms of tourism. With the international tournament Qatar World Cup coming up again at the end of this year, the benefits of tourism and hotel business from Saudi Arabia, one of the best countries to watch the tournament in the vicinity, can be imagined.


“2030愿景(Vision 2030)”逐步改革开放更多国际贸易政策,影响沙特消费习惯和风向走向积极转变,是我们进入沙特市场探索新发展的重要时机。

Vision 2030's progressive reform and opening up of more international trade policies has influenced a positive shift in Saudi consumer habits and winds, making it an important time for us to enter the Saudi market and explore new developments.

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/111378


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