For enterprises: Continuous improvement is the spirit of corporate culture; self-enhancement, healthy competition, mutual appreciation and support; starting from a new point, creating innovative opportunities; fostering courteous employees, building a civilized team.
This is the company's corporate culture to be translated. Here are my translations:
For employees: Attitude determines behavior, behavior shapes character, and character determines destiny. Life exists because of hard work, and hard work is eternal because of life. Efforts will eventually pay off, hard work leads to dreams. It's better to have a stiff neck from aiming high than to become hunched over low goals. First place or nothing, think about it second, strive for success third; take a step forward every day, embark on the path to success.
Special reminder: If you fall behind half a step every day, you will be 183 steps behind in a year, and 180,000 kilometers behind in ten years!
楼上的咋那么复杂呢 我肯定自己译啊 顺便也发给帖给大伙练练手呗 。。欢迎纠错啊 我已经译完了
To the enterprise:
Continued improvement is the spirit of corporate culture; self-improvement, benign competition, Mutual appreciation and support; Stand on the jumping-off point,looking forward to a new success . Train ritual employees ,Create a model team.
To employees:
Attitude decides behior, behevior train personality while personality determines destiny. Life exists because we work hard and hardworking
makes life eternally
No pain