
给客人的催款邮件 各位大神们,有位熟客欠我们很多钱,现在要写一封邮件给他催付款,各位,能不能帮忙翻译下啊。自己翻译感觉不够可怜啊,拜托了,各位! 你好! 很了解你们目前的情况,也很希望能帮你们承担一些,但是这么长的时间,这么大的数目,让我们一直喘不过气来,日子一天过得比一天艰难。 上半年是把厦门住的房子了,然后每家付一点一直支撑到现在,有很长一段时间没有付款了,大家的电话越来越多,话也讲得越来越难听,逼得我快疯了。真不知道后面的日子,该如何去面对这些人,所有要款的都是我这边在顶着,不想让adam担心太多,给他造成太大的压力。给你发这封邮件,没有让adam知道,因为他不忍心,一直催着你们。但是,你们也很久没有安排付款给我们了,希望能想下法,安排些资金,让我们能每家在分担付一些,慢慢地来缓冲现在这样的局面,能缓和下目前的困境,请想想法吧。不能置我们于不顾。谢谢。 谁帮忙翻译下啊!!
2014-04-06 674阅读

I understand your current situation very well and I really hope to help you out. However, the long period of time and large amount of money that you owe us have made it difficult for us to cope. Every day is a struggle.

During the first half of the year, we rented a place in Xiamen, and have been using the rent to support our expenses until now. It has been quite a while since you have made any payments, and we have been receiving more and more calls from our creditors. They have been using increasingly harsh language, which has been driving me crazy. I really don't know how to face these people in the future. I have been handling all the payments on my own, and I don't want Adam to feel too much pressure. That's why I am sending you this email without letting him know.

But it has been a long time since you arranged any payments for us. I hope you can think of a way to arrange some funds so that we can share the burden and gradually ease the current situation. Please, help us out. We cannot be left with nothing.

Thank you.
  • yiyi

    In order to stay afloat,I had to sell my house in Xiamen city in the first half of this year.I managed to hold on until today by
    collecting partial payment bit by bit from each customer.I hen't paid for my bills for a while and it's really driving me crazy
    by hing to answer those phone calls pushing for payment all the time.I could hardly tolerate those bad words.

    I don't know how can I face those creditors in the future.I am shouldering the entire pressure of paym
  • Kamran.Ahmed
    We would be very glad to accomodate you in terms of cash flow since we understand your financial situation very well.
    However,we are really under mountainous pressure with such a big sum outstanding payment,which has been dragged for
    so long.We are actually struggling on a daily basis and each and every passing day becomes more and more difficult for us.
