
有个客人不接受我们的还盘,然后他会来我们这个地方审核产品定价,我想叫他们来我们公司,面对面讨论下产品及价格。 可以怎么写呢。。。 请翻译以下: 如果你们能顺道来我们公司那就更好了,我想这是个很好的机会我们可以讨论下这些项目,我想这些产品在质量,材料使用上都是不同的,我们希望能与贵司进一步讨论,能够建立长期的业务关系。价格固然重要但是产品的质量也是很关键的。你们是否有参加这届的广交会?我们10月20~27号会在展会,不在浙江,你们是否能在这此之前来,或者告知时间,我们可以安排接送,我们是真心也希望能跟贵司生意的,最好你们能在目标上可以加些价格3%~5%左右,我希望双方能够各退一步,也许工厂就可以接下订单了。现在的工价,物价涨得太快了,并且全部的手工编织的,我们也没有法很好的控制价格。
2014-03-27 804阅读
The customer refused our counteroffer and wants to come to our place to verify the product pricing. I suggest inviting them to our company for a face-to-face discussion on the products and pricing. If you could come to our company, it would be a great opportunity for us to discuss these projects. Our products have different qualities and use of materials. We hope to have further discussions with your company and establish a long-term business relationship. While price is important, product quality is also crucial. Are you participating in this year's Canton Fair? We will be there from October 20th to 27th. If you can come before that or let us know your availability, we can arrange transportation. We sincerely hope to do business with your company and suggest adding 3% to 5% to the target price on both sides. We hope that both sides can compromise, and perhaps the factory can take the order. Currently, labor and material costs are rising fast, and all products are handcrafted, making it difficult to control the price.
  • Marco8
    It will be better if you can come to our company . I think it is a good opportunity for us to discuss these items. As  the quality and
    material of these products are different , we hope that we can he a further discussion with your company  to establish a long term business relations . Though price is important ,
    the quality of products  is also very critical.  Will you come to this Canton Fair ? We will be at the show from 20th October to 27th October in Guangzhou (Canton) not in Zhejiang
  • 吕震
    如果没记错 大学的国际商务课本上这些都有的   书还在不?直接搬过来可以了
  • Leo.Xiong