求助: LC 条件
跟约旦客户的lc, 出口到jebel ali.
certificate issued by vessel owners / agent / captain/ carrier:
shipment must be effected either on conference line or liner vessels. vessel must not be over 15 years old.
9- a certificate issued, signed and stamped by the owners, carriers, master, charterers or agents of the vessel, certifying that the carrying bessel is subject to international safety management code (ism) and carries valid safety management certificate (smc) and document of compliance (doc) for the purpose of presenting them to the port authorities is required.
10- a certificate issued, signed and stamped by the owners, carrier, master, charterers or agents of the vessel certifying that the carring vessel is subject to international shipping and port security safety code (isps) is required.
1. 船龄不得超过15年。(这个操作流程是怎样,我跟货代说这个,货代说需要我们先定船,然后我们写一份 船龄未超过15年的说明书提交给他,他找船公司看看可不可以盖章)。2. ism 国际安全代码 。(这个只是一个代码吗,具体如何操作?何时能拿到代码,问货代要吗?)3. smc (这个真心不知道是什么了!!安全管理证书 ?如何操作?)4. doc (???是指前面所提单的文件吗? 如果是的话,是要我把之前所提到的文件弄好,一起提交给银行吗?)5. isp (港口安全代码,这些我都像谁要?)
客户虽然是老客户了,但是第一次跟他lc, 弄得迷迷糊糊的,千万别处什么岔子啊。现在还在加班弄这些。福步上的大侠们,请不吝赐教!!ps: 还有没有什么落下的,或者需要注意的?