
各位前辈救救命吧,小弟的英文水平自己觉得人家国外刚学说话的小学生都比我强。 前几天在展会上遇到位俄罗斯的客人对我们产品比较有兴趣,但我用自己这垃圾英语了谷歌翻译、灵格斯翻译、有道翻译加上朋友的帮助试着和人家沟通了几封邮件。 结果,悲剧了!现在客户可能是发火了,他想要的前期我根本就达不到人家想要的标准。。。而我真的是不懂他要什么,也不懂怎么和他表达。 其实我的最终想表达的意思是,他要的三十六托盘货物装不进一个柜子。 无奈啊,我不知道怎么说,又不好意思麻烦朋友了,谷歌、灵格斯、有道都靠不住。所以只能和各位前辈来请教请教如何应对了。 附上,前期客户和我来往的邮件: 客户发来: We met at the exhibition in Guangzhou on July 3. Want to order for another nomenclature of goods to consider profitability. My order in the Appendix, I ask You to answer as quickly as possible. I will be glad to visit You at the factory for the continuation of the negotiations. 我的回复: Very glad to receive your mail! Please check the price in attachment. But please confirm some information as follows: Under FOB terms,can exporting and collecting??be operated??by our trade agent company? Because they are professional and??can se cost for both of us.For assuring the safety,We can offer you??our??cooperation agreement and??will never give you extra risk. Welcome to visit our company and study, we look forward to your reply. 客户的回复: You can make a preliminary invoice according to my order FOB Tianjin Port. I want to see the weight of the goods and the volume in cubic metres for further calculations. My order will be equal to one container 20 ft.? 我的回复: Thanks for your reply! Please check the preliminary invoice in attachment. Following is the regular size and weight of our tray. SIZE: 1.14 * 0.81 * 0.98 m, WEIGHT:??960 kg. But now in order to make the tray complete for every size according to your order,we design the tray to the size below:??1.14 * 0.63 * 0.63 m. And then it will increase our production cost, but I will try to persuade our manager to bear the cost by ourselves. I also hope you can offer me??your purchasing quantity every year. THANK YOU! 客户的回复: Why is it necessary to make a little box and pallet? Always on one pallet is 36 or 48 pieces of cardboard boxes. It is bad when the price increases! 我的回复: Thanks for your reply! I'm very sorry, no accurate reply in the email. Please check the attachment again, I he adjust the size and weight of each specification. Because each maximum load of the container is 25 tons So we hope you provide each specification in MPCS for the unit's demand quantity, we can to calculate the load. we look forward to your reply 客户的最后回复: I ge Your document look logisticians to consider the minimum cost of transportation to Russia. I ask for Your patience. 到这里我不敢回了,大家给指点指点吧。 谢谢了
2013-09-01 595阅读
te information was provided previously about the number of boxes that can fit on one pallet.
To clarify, one pallet can hold 36 boxes, and we typically load 20 pallets in a 20 ft container, so a total of 720 boxes can be loaded in one container.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you!
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