SKG Enterprises
I need a handle axle of dimension 150mm X 28mm, machined. I he posted this requirement before but here are the full requirements:
1. Material: Scrap/Waste Low Carbon Steel
2. Plating: Nickeled
3. Weight: 350 grams
4. Qty: 5000 pcs
5. Target Price: USD 0.30
Please see that dimension of this rod is 150mm X 28 mm. You will he to source waste/scrap material to make this product. I don't want quotation for fresh raw material as it will not meet the target price so only quote if you can source scrap material.
Drawing is attached here. Please he a look before mailing. If it meets target price i will he annual requirement of 1,00,000 pcs.
S.K. Gupta
TMD ,给我们公司询价,我们按照原料最低的成本价格给他。他还说有浙江那边报0.85的,我直接晕,NMM 的阿三,材料都多少钱了,还要电镀和,FOB费。
看看吧,这个阿三给的希望价格是0.3,DAMN YOU 阿三~~~。