今天有个客人给我下了个订单,是在广交会认识的, 但是价格无法达成一致,当时我在广交会时报价稍微低报了一点,没想到这个客人还真要,客人目标价格和我成本价格差1个美金,我实在不下来,我重新核算新价格给客人了,客人说我在广交会价格低,现在涨价了,说我不诚信; 除这个订单外,客人另外还下了2个订单,那2个订单基本谈妥;所以这个订单我不能得罪客人,请问我应该如何跟客人解释啊,这个订单可以不,但是我还是想和这个客人发展长久合作关系,不想因为这个而影响到另外2个订单,请帮忙给点意见,跪谢,客人原文如下:
I've just checked sheet with the prices and I'm confused again.
I got 8usd to styleRCGY-01 based on 1000pcs per style on Cantone Fair.Later you increased the prices...
I ordered samples based on information receved on Cantone Fair...Sorry but it seems a like bussiness playing.Your company encourage customers to order the samples based on competetive prices and later you change what you offer before.Unfortunatelly it not for further cooperation.
8,60 it is max we can pay for the pants if they are exactly same as original.Hope you take your proposal over.[收起]