给隔壁一个跟印度人谈判的回的贴 自己抄过来吧 觉得挺有普适性的
I know we are not the lowest price in town. But it's common knowledge that low prices almost always represent insufficient quality than expected. You are more than welcome to make deal with other suppliers, but we guarantee that you will make every penny worth with our products.[收起]
鱼 fish
糖醋鱼片 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce
糖醋鱼块 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce
糖醋石斑鱼 fried garoupa with sweet and sour sauce
糖醋松子桂鱼 fried mandarin fish and pinenuts with sweet and sour sauce
熘鱼片 quick-fry fish slices with distilled grains sauce
焦熘鱼片 crisp fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce
焦熘黄鱼片 crisp fried yellow croaker slices with distilled grains sauce
椒盐黄鱼 fried yellow croaker with pepper sauce
糟熘鱼片 fried fish slices with distilled grai[收起]