Would you like to exercise human rights due diligence more efficiently and support your business partners to ensure the protection of workers’ rights? amfori BSCI, short for amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative, provides a recognised methodology for identifying and remediating risks in global supply chains. BSCI验厂培训辅导-现场和线上同时进行
amfori BSCI in a nutshell
Adopt a common Code of Conduct
amfori BSCI provides a Code of Conduct with a set of values and principles that help amfori members improve their own policies and practices, such as updating purchasing contracts to conduct business responsibly. These principles apply to all sectors worldwide and comply with international regulations (e.g., International Labour Organization, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights).
Improve your social performance
You have access to high-quality social audits and other monitoring activities that assess 13 performance areas to help you identify, prevent, mitigate, account for and remediate labour risks as well as adverse human rights impacts in your value chain:
1. Social Management System and Cascade Effect2. Workers Involvement and Protection3. The Rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining4. No Discrimination, Violence or Harassment5. Fair Remuneration6. Decent Working Hours7. Occupational Health and Safety8. No Child Labour9. Special Protection for Young Workers10. No Precarious Employment11. No Bonded, Forced Labour or Human Trafficking12. Protection of the Environment