1. About IEC publications
Where can I find corrigenda?
A technical corrigendum is issued to correct either:
A technical error or ambiguity in an International Standard, a Technical Specification, a Publicly Available Specification or a Technical Report, inadvertently introduced either in drafting or in printing and which could lead to incorrect or unsafe application of the publication, or
Information that has become outdated since publication, provided that the modification has no effect on the technical normative elements of the standard.
Once published corrigenda are immediately integrated in the corresponding publication. They are also available separately and can be freely downloaded
How does the IEC numbering system work?
An IEC reference number for a publication consists of a header and three elements:
1. The publication number
2. The part number
3. The section number
Since 1997, all new IEC publications and parts, as well as new editions, revisions, and amendments, are issued with a designation in the 60000 series. This change does not affect the content; it simply involves adding 60000 to the existing base number. For example, IEC 529 is now referenced as IEC 60529.
The 80000 series is allocated to multipart standards jointly developed by IEC and ISO in exceptional cases, where some parts are published by ISO and others by IEC. The ISO/IEC prefix is strictly limited to ISO/IEC JTC1 publications and certain ISO/IEC guides.