
有谁出口到巴西的吗? 好像货很难走的样子, 空运重量尺寸都要限制,不知道海运会不会。

客户发一大堆他们那边的进口条款过来,比高考作文好难, 看来今天的时间就要一头砸进去了。 有哪位有兴趣 帮我解答一下他回复的这封邮件?

Hello, how are you?

- Our company is still in the process of installation and so at this point we chose to use the simplified taxation system in our country, although more expensive than normal, but it will be temporary.

- In this system we will pay a value of 60% Tax more Tax Merchandise Circulation Import (40%), totaling a sum of 100% tax on the value of merchandise along with the sum of Shipping.

- The value limit for the import is performed on simplified taxation system is U$ 3,000.00 per consignment, which may contain more than one object.

- Weight accept is a maximum of 30 kg and the general rule is that the larger size should not exceed 105 cm.

- The sum of the perimeter (width + height + width + height) + length must be less than or equal to 2.00m.

- The postal items that do not meet the conditions mentioned both weight and dimensions, will be subject to return to sender.

- Further clarify that postage can be fractionated to meet the weight limit and set size for each mode of transmission by post. However, it should be indicated that this is fractioning and each package must be accompanied by the commercial invoice, even if it is copying.

- So did a calculation here at my company as follows:
a) Fracionamos an order of 1500 units in two packages (750 units in each package must conform to the above specifications.).
Each of the packages we will have a cost of U$ 50 paid to the "CORREIOS/BRASIL". Total U$ 100 here.

b) We would have a cost of 1.5 x 470 (705.00) + 1.5 x 350 (525.00) + 2 x 50 (100) = 1,330.00 dollars.

c) As the maximum allowed for each operation of this will be U$ 3,000, we would have left a margin of safety.
U$ 3.000 (maximum allowed for each of our requests)

- That would be only an initial purchase to our company finish some records for import in our country and know-mos their products.

- My proposal to you is:
You can send us this way?
Sending can not be by courier company such as DHL.
It should be for "POST OFFICE" official directly to the "POST OFFICE/BRASIL". (EMS, China Post).

- What can you do to people, reducing the freight to the maximum.
We will pay 100% on it, thus tale with a lower value. (too high will derail our purchase.)

Waiting for answers...

Thank you!

Below are the rules for this type of transmission:
What documents should come with the goods / shipping to Brazil?

a) COMMERCIAL INVOICE (Commercial Invoice) - is issued by the exporter, the Commercial Invoice is the document that serves as the basis for customs clearance
of the destination country goods, assuming the role of the invoice for the international market.
It is mandatory to present the original commercial invoice and signed for clearance of goods with the IRS and a copy of this to the closing of the Exchange Agreement when made after the shipment of goods.

b) SHIPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE - international transport of Knowledge is more an essential document. Issue is made by the carrier company and enables the exporter to prove the shipment of goods. The Bill of knowledge can be called the Bill of Lading (B / L) in the case of maritime shipment or Airwaybill (AWB) in the case of air shipment.

Is there any limit of weight and dimension to the imported objects?

a) The weight accepted is a maximum of 30 kg and the general rule is that the larger size should not exceed 105 cm.

b) The sum of the perimeter (width + height + width + height) + length must be less than or equal to 2.00m.

c) The postal items that do not meet the conditions mentioned both weight and dimensions, will be subject to return to sender.

What are the value of postal limits?

a) The value limit for the import
2016-07-11 1805阅读
untry. It is important to note that these are the import regulations for the simplified taxation system in Brazil. If you plan on exporting to Brazil using a different taxation system, you may need to consult with a customs broker or freight forwarder for more information. Additionally, it is important to provide accurate weight and size information for your shipments to avoid any issues with customs or returns. You may also need to provide a commercial invoice for each package, even if it is a fraction of a larger shipment. I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
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