
颜色是我们生活中最丰富、最艳丽、最复杂多变的事物。英文中的颜色是“Color”。   颜色是我们身边事物的一种视觉效果,我们常见的颜色是由红黄蓝三原色组成,丰富的颜色不但给我们带来喜悦,悲伤,还可以给我们温暖和感动,这就是颜色的魅力。   下面我们就来谈谈时下流行的颜搭配:   温馨的搭配   要想达到温馨,首先色泽的选择不能是极端和鲜明,可以选用小清新的粉色和暖暖的蓝色,这样不但不会有视觉上的冲击,反而会有着一种愉悦的感觉。粉色搭配蓝色使用的比较多,例如女生用粉红色上衣搭配蓝色牛仔裤,十足的清新风,不但不素而且大方典雅。   和谐的搭配   绿色搭配红色是最和谐的搭配,很多人体彩绘师都会采用这两种颜色,因为这两种颜色的搭配就像是大自然的颜色进行搭配,浅绿色的草地搭配红色的花卉,让人的心情感到格外放松。绿色搭配红色也可以用在卧室里,给卧室增添一份清新、宁静。在雾霾笼罩的冬季,绿色搭配红色更可以给人们带来生机勃勃的感觉。   醒目的搭配   黄色搭配紫色,紫色带给大家紫罗兰的高贵大方,黄色带给人们无限的想象力。这两种颜色对比强烈,同时这两种颜色也是互为补色。不但可以用在男穿的T恤上,不但让人感到酷感十足,而且年轻活力。如果女士采用这样的色彩搭配会让人感到眼前一亮,典雅大方。   淡雅的搭配   蓝色搭配橙色,淡雅的搭配,温和蓝色,搭配激情的橙色,就像荷兰球衣搭配颜色短裤,是那么的和谐,那么的淡雅、那么的清新、那么的美好。激情之后不乏回味。清新稳重之中不乏激情燃烧。另外这两种颜色搭配生动,两种颜色互为补色,用在衣服的搭配上也会让人有成熟感和稳重感。   小清新的搭配   大家一定对最早的XP系统的桌面印象很深吧,蓝天白云的搭配,也是蓝色和白色的搭配,很经典的搭配,这两种颜色随处可见,天空和白云的颜色、青花瓷的颜色等等,都有蓝和白的影子。让人感到清新、简洁。还有一种豁然朗的感觉。另外,任何颜色和白色搭配都是很好的搭配。   经典的黑白配   最经典的搭配之一,不论是斑马还是国际象棋,还有个大时装周,这两个中极端无情色都是“常客”,搭配在一起会让人感到迷茫,经常用来瓷砖的颜色。用在衣服上会让人感到大方得体。例如男士的黑西装和白衬衣,女士的黑丝袜陪衬衣套装,不但正是庄重,还有一种神秘感。
2014-05-18 1081阅读
Colors are the most abundant, bright and complex things in our life. In English, "color" refers to the various hues that we see around us. Common colors are made up of the three primary colors: red, yellow, and blue. Colors not only bring us joy, sadness, warmth and emotion, but also offer charm to our visual experience.

Here are some popular color combinations:

Warm and Cozy Combinations

To achieve a warm and cozy feel, choose soft and muted shades of colors. For example, you could use a soft pastel pink with a warm light blue to create a joyful atmosphere. Pink and blue is a popular combination and it can add a sense of elegance and sophistication to any outfit.

Harmonious Combinations

Green and red make the most harmonious color combination. This pairing creates a relaxing effect and make people feel at ease. It's like the colors we see in nature, such as the green grass with the red flowers. Green and red can also add a peaceful, fresh and natural look to your bedroom.

Bold Combinations

Yellow and purple is a bold and eye-catching combination. Purple has always been associated with nobility and elegance, while yellow inspires imagination and optimism. These two colors complement each other and are complementary colors too. This combination is perfect for a trendy T-shirt and can add youthfulness and energy to any outfit. For women, this combo can create a cheerful and sophisticated look.

Elegant Combinations

Blue and orange a great combo whereby blue is a mild and elegant color while orange is passionate and bold. They complement each other well and provide a soft yet intense contrast. This combo is often seen in Dutch football team’s jerseys, and gives a sense of tranquility and emotional depth. It's great for outfits that reflect maturity and stability.

Fresh and Simple Combinations

Sky blue and white is a simple yet fresh combination. This combo is evergreen and cheerful. It's a common pairing for the desktop wallpaper in older XP systems, and can be seen in nature's sky and clouds, and in porcelain painting. The color scheme evokes the simplicity, serenity as well as a joyful and carefree feeling.

Classic Black and White

Black and white is one of the most classic combinations. It is suitable for all occasions and outfits, whether you're wearing a black suit with a white shirt or a black dress with white stockings. The black and white pairing gives a sense of elegance, refinement and even a little bit of mystery.
  • lee.cindy