This Week's Tip:
Want to Be Rich?
So, do you want to be rich?
Probably, if you're not already.
Let's face it, most people are fascinated--if not obsessed--
with the dream. The books "The Millionaire Next Door," and
the sequel, "The Millionaire Mind," were best sellers. The
game show is still running strong.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to be wealthy. Don't
let money guilt get to you. To paraphrase a couple of quotes,
"Money can't buy happiness, but it makes unhappiness a lot
easier to deal with."
"Whoever said money isn't that important either likely
doesn't he much of it and probably won't ever, or already
has way more than they'll ever need."
So what's the best way to get rich?
First, if you're financially floundering now, read below:
My friend, Larry Winget, New York Times bestselling
author and star of A&E's Big Spender, has a brand new
book that will turn your financial life around. It's
You're Broke Because You Want To Be: How to Stop
Getting By and Start Getting Ahead. This is a money
book like none other. Winget's trademarked style will
smack you around and force you to look honestly at
the person who caused your financial mess:
He will prove it was your own choices that created
your problems, then he will tell you to get over it and
provide you with a solid plan for fixing your situation.
If you spend more than you earn, shop more than
you should or simply want more money to invest
or se for retirement or your kid's education, then
you will find a solid plan in Winget's advice. He
gives you plenty of worksheets to evaluate where
you are and a plan for getting to where you want to be.
The book comes with Five Free Financial Lessons
in video format and if you buy the book on January 9th
or 10th, he will give you another $100 of free stuff.
Just visit to find out more.
OK, back to getting rich. How? Hmm, you probably won't
win millions on a game show.
There's the lottery. Riiiiight.
Professional sports or stardom in the entertainment field?
You'd probably already be doing it.
How about taking advantage of some of those spam email
get-rich offers likely sitting in your inbox right now?
Forget it.
I saw an infomercial this morning about how you can
get rich by selling stuff on the Internet. They even
provide you the stuff. Yeah, well THEY are the ones
getting rich. Off of the people who send them money.
So what's that lee?
Let's face reality: The same ways most wealthy people
he legitimately made their money: Earning and accumulating
larger amounts of money on an annual basis than hourly or
purely salaried workers, and then reinvesting it wisely,
either in their own operation, or other solid equity investments.
For purposes of this Tip, I'll lee out full-time real
estate investing (requires money up front), inheritances, and
being CEO of a large company. That lees business ownership.
Oh, AND being great at sales. That's probably you.
That's right. One of the best ways for regular people to
become millionaires is to excel at sales. When in sales,
for the most part, you ARE running your own business. And
without the upfront capital investment and risk. I wonder
why more people aren't doing it. Actually, no I don't:
laziness, lack of ambition, patience, and knowledge of what
to do. Most of these are easy to correct, though.
Here are some tips to get you thinking, excited, and GOING
toward your millions!
If you must doubt anythin[收起]