I need you to contact the people who made these wheels and ask them if it is diamond and also the concentration and mesh size.-我需要你生产砂轮的公司,问问他们材质是金刚石吗?还有浓度以及砂网尺寸是多少?
These aren’t grinding the carbide very well at all.-这些砂轮磨硬质合金的效果一点都不好。
Just so you know these wheels are being used for grinding carbide on circular saw blades. They get used on ollmer ch21 (automatic sharpening machine)-这样你知道这些砂轮是用来磨圆锯片上的硬质合金的。用在 vollmer ch21(自动磨光机)上。
I he put one of your wheels on and they do not grin[收起]