Dear A,
facts are as follows:
- In my country (SERBIA), producer prices above bag (55 * 110, 65gms/bag mash 10x10) from U.S. $ 0.13 to 0.135, with a delivery of up to 10 days.
- In addition, the bags produced in Serbia can be exported to the EU countries on the import tariff rate of 0% - bags imported from China would not be able to sell in the EU because place of origin.
- On your FOB price I he to pay the transportation costs and customs duties at the rate of 18% and wait min. 45 days after the delivery of orders to my warehouse.
- Based on the foregoing, your FOB price per bag should not exceed U.S. $ 0.085 to the job made sense
我的客户说往塞尔维亚编制袋子的话 是要有税的 但是我也不知道是不是真的有
问了一下 客户就回复我的内容如下:
Dear A,
i he to pay transport costs about USD0,01 per bag + 18% import custom duties , so It's too high a price for imports into Serbia. I send you a link Serbian customs tariff you can check...
Best Regards
这个链接 能打 但是看不懂的
所以 拜托各位大神给点关于税这块的建议 是不是 出口pp袋子 赛尔维亚 真的18%的税?[收起]