Do you know where the ship is at the moment?? you said that it is comming through Hamburg, right?
as I told you before we would like the custom clearance to be done in Hamburg, not in Lisbon. We want the goods to enter Portugal clear of customs.
Please try to arrange that. The local agent in Hamburg can contact me so that we take care of everything.
Hi Nathan,
Obviously you don't understand how europe works. Europe is like a big country like China, each country is like each of your provinces.
The products that enter in Europe, after entering Europe are free to move anywhere without paying any taxes or customs.
What people normally do, and we do like that normally too, and that?s how we must do things in the future. Is to ask for custom clearance at the port where they first enter Europe, in this case is Hamburg. We pay import duties in Germany. However, because the final destination is not Germany, customs do not charge VAT. The goods come then to Portugal without VAT, we will only pay VAT to the government after we sell the goods to our clients. Because this are samples we will never sell them therefore we will never pay VAT.
If the customs clearance is done in Portugal we will have to pay VAT to the customs, and we will receive the VAT only after we sell the goods to our clients... because we will never sell this goods we will never receive our VAT.
VAT here is 21%, is the custom clearance is done in Germany we save 21% of VAT. this is 100% legal and this is how things should be done.
Please try to convince the carrier to do it like this. ok? we don?t like to give to the government more money than what we have to give.