Gud day sir/maam, MV "LAN HAI HE LE " @ (CMDC) Punang loading anchrge, crgo load as of 0800H/22nd March as per draft survy;
today-? ?2,247 mt,
Prev -? ?3,562 mt,
todate- 5,809 mt,
balnce -49,391 mt,
Basis:??55,200 MT.
ETC: March 29, 2014 WP.
Remarks : All cranes and grabs are in good conditioned.
1 brge assgnd & capacity:
LCT Citi Max 9(3,000mt).
March 21, 2014:
0835H-1600H Awaiting for Barges.
March 22, 2014:
0025H-0105H Awaiting for Barges.
0105H-0315H Rain (No barges a/s).
0315H-0800H Awaiting for barges
Present status: No loading operation (No Barges a/s).
Present condition: Partly cloudy & Moderate Swell.
Note: 1 Barge trip.[收起]