将以下资料通知你的付款客户,这些都是使用西联汇款必须的资料:re: western unionthe following information is for your reference to western union payment.payee / beneficiary:- family name: 姓[拼音,必须同]- given name: 名字[拼音,必须同]- identity card no.: 号码- add.: 地址和邮编 [拼音或英文]- tel: 电话号码,必须包含国家代码,区号- city: 城市[拼音]- province: 省份[拼音]- country: china汇款回执以下邮件内容,同样也是要发给客户,要求客户汇款必须的资料:re: the payment receipt pass western unionplease fax or scan back the payment receipt to us after paying, many thanks!and that inform us following information:1] remitter [family name and given name]2] paying amount3] transfer control no.同时,也别忘了在邮件里,告诉客户西联汇款的官方网站,这样客户就能在出门理汇款时,先了解一下具体的地址和相关信息了![收起]