I Checked , but we buy a little better now also from Chinese manufacturer.
There is no reason fo change-over , we are loyal customer.
We are received your mail well.
However, we are not interested in a deal with you.
We he the raw materials for the customers.
This can not be changed easily.
Thanks a lot.??等等类似的答复,我都疯了。。。。
看到这样的邮件我真是哭笑不得了,哭的是有一个客户消失了,笑的是不用浪费时间在这样的客户身上了 ,但是又觉得如果能争取过来那么我又多了忠实的客户, 但是我真正的不知道该怎么回复 他们呢,怎么才能让他么你给我下试单??
求各位大侠帮帮忙 看看该怎么回复,才能抓住他们的眼球和对他们的胃口呢,在此先谢谢各位了。[收起]