THIS WEEK'S TIP: How To Sell The Higher-Priced Option 本周话题: 如何推销高价位的产品
I admit, I'm an eesdropper. 我承认我是一个偷听者。
On sales transactions mostly. When out shopping or browsing, I will position myself in the vicinity of a conversation between a salesperson and customer to listen to the transaction. 主要偷听销交易。外出购物或诳商店时,我会站在销员与顾客交谈位置的附近,聆听他们的交易谈话。
I know. I should really get a life. But it provides great sales lessons. Good and bad. 我知道,我应该活得正派一点。但,偷听交易谈话可获得很好的销教训,有[收起]