
我是刚从事外贸,公司让我给产品简介个英文版,还请大家给予新手以帮助啊~help!内容如下: pfc系列复合节能细碎机是我公司在吸消化国内外先进技术,结合国内具体工况条件而研制的最新一代高效细碎机。它综合了现有的锤式、反击式、冲击式等细碎机的优点,并采用特殊腔型设计,尤其是锤头,采用耐磨性能极其优良的“2021”特殊耐磨材料,使得该设备具有出料粒度细、耐磨件使用寿命长等优点,推广使用后为用户取得了明显的经济效益。 “石打石”破碎: pfc系列复合节能细碎机采用超大的弧形破碎腔,利用“石打石”自击破碎的原理。在破碎机腔内密集悬浮着高速运动着的物料,后续进入的物料始终处于“相互碰撞、摩擦”之中,使得80%左右的物料沿自身微裂纹解理破碎,破碎后的物料之间产生剧烈的相互“搓、磨”作用,大部分成粉末状破碎效果极好。 破碎腔为带篦缝的筛分腔体。在破碎腔内,进料口进入大量物料,转子在高速旋转,因此破碎腔内始终处于正压状态, 破碎合格的粉体物料迅速由篦缝排出相对处于负压的破碎腔体外。由于以上两个特点,普通锤式破碎机大量用于磨损锤头、衬板的有害功基本消失, 金属消耗大大减少,锤头、衬板使用寿命成倍提高,电机额定功率减少约三分之一,性价比大幅提高。 工作原理 按图所示,物料进入机体后碰上高速逆时针旋转的锤头,被锤头迎头打击,大块物料被立即打碎,碎料高速飞向反击板,进行第二次碰撞破碎,反弹物料与后续飞来的物料相互撞击破碎。物料在第一腔破碎后进入第二腔、第三腔重复破碎,最后经卸料篦子过滤摩擦破碎,达到要求的物料从篦缝排出,较粗物料返回第一腔重新破碎。 规格及技术性能 结构特点: (1)采用三腔曲面形破碎腔,使物料打击次数增多,硬挤压,磨擦减少,减少锤头损耗。 (2)反击板与锤头间隙能方便调节,能有效控制出料粒度。 (3)采用可偏转结构,如遇坚硬物料可一定程度防止锤头断裂。 (4)pcf50-300型盖装备有液压装置,使维修更方便。 (5)篦子出口安装排铁门,如遇铁块或硬料不能破碎者可通过排铁门排出,保护机件不致打碎,但不能由此代替除铁器。 (6)可根据所需成品料的不同要求,对左衬板、下反击板及篦子与锤头间隙进行调整。
2014-06-04 271阅读
PFC series composite energy-saving fine crushers are the latest generation of high-efficiency crushers developed by our company. It combines the advantages of existing hammer crushers, counter crushers, and impact crushers, and adopts a special chamber design, especially the hammer head, which uses the extremely wear-resistant "2021" special wear-resistant material, making the equipment have the advantages of fine discharge granularity and long service life of wear-resistant components. After being promoted and used, it has gained significant economic benefits for users.

"Stone hitting stone" crushing:

The PFC series composite energy-saving fine crusher uses a large curved crushing chamber and the principle of "stone hitting stone" self-impact crushing. Material suspended in the crushing chamber is in high-speed motion, and the subsequent incoming material is always in a state of "mutual collision and friction", making about 80% of the material fracture and crush along its own microcracks. After the material is broken, there is intense "rubbing and grinding" between the particles, and most of them become powdered, resulting in excellent crushing effect.

The crushing chamber is a screening chamber with a grille slot. In the crushing chamber, a large amount of material enters from the inlet, and the rotor rotates at a high speed, so the crushing chamber is always in a positive pressure state. The qualified powder material is rapidly discharged from the grille slot to the outside of the negative pressure crushing chamber. Due to the above two characteristics, the harmful work of wearing hammers and plates that is common in hammer crushers is basically eliminated, reducing metal consumption greatly, the service life of hammers and plates is multiplied, the rated power of the motor is reduced by about one-third, and the cost performance is greatly improved.

Working principle:

As shown in the diagram, after the material enters the machine body, it collides with the high-speed counterclockwise rotating hammer head, and the large pieces of material are immediately shattered by the impact of the hammer head. The crushed material flies to the counter plate at high speed and undergoes the second collision and crushing. The rebounding material collides and crushes with the subsequent flying material. After the material is crushed in the first chamber, it enters the second and third chambers for repeated crushing, and is finally filtered and crushed by the discharge grille, and the required material is discharged from the grille slot. Coarse material returns to the first chamber for re-crushing.

Specifications and technical performance:

Structural features:

(1) Adopt a three-chamber curved crushing chamber to increase the number of material impacts, reduce hard squeezing and friction, and reduce hammer head wear.

(2) The clearance between the counter plate and the hammer head can be easily adjusted, and the discharge granularity can be effectively controlled.

(3) Adopt a deflectable structure, which can prevent hammer head breakage to a certain extent when encountering hard materials.

(4) The PCF50-300 models are equipped with hydraulic devices, which make maintenance more convenient.

(5) The outlet of the grille is equipped with an iron discharge door. If a piece of iron or hard material cannot be crushed, it can be discharged through the iron discharge door to protect the machine parts from being crushed. However, this cannot replace the iron remover.

(6) The clearance between the left lining plate, the lower counter plate, the grille, and the hammer head can be adjusted according to different requirements for the finished product.