第二天我把dhl单号更新给客户的时候,客户又抽风了:他问我,你的货代在骗你吧?我之前走过很多货,可是一输入的话,dhl网站上会显示很详细的件人信息。但你给我的dhl单号一查,那个件信息怎么不齐全呀。当时我吓了一跳,心想怎么可能。赶紧把他给的地址再发了一遍给他,请他确认是否正确。他确认了,我就理纳闷了,既然地址什么没错,又哪里有问题呢? 而且我哪次的dhl都是这样显示的呀,要等货物到了当地,基本dhl才会显示详细的件人信息。怎么到了客户眼里就不一样了呢?要知道,我毕业起就一起关务,天天和货代打交道,还是第一次听见客户说我的货代有问题。那个郁闷呀!!!难道这个就是外贸新手的悲哀。我怎么都理解不了客户的怪异想法。
我只好和货代再次确认没问题。再和客户沟通,你们知道的,这个客户非常不好说话,只自以为是,他说的是对的,别人说的通通不信。 我没法,最后告诉他,三天后你到货就知道我江没有骗你了。
for the depsit things:
1, below is the information you ge to lahm when you transfer the deposit to us:
transfer date:? ?11/12/2013
transfer status:? ?pending
confirmation number:
order number:? ?110619360
from:? ?business economy checking - 8817
to:? ?meisail mods : (industrial and commer...)
transfer amount:? ?$1,327.50
2, date our bank reject the money to you: 18th, nov.
3, tracking our bank told us: sznicb4000619972. this tracking is used by our bank, we cannot know if the tracking will change or not when the money was rejected to you. our bank cannot tell me the information after the money rejected to your bank.
4, the amount rejected to you: our bank charged 3.3 usd when they rejected the money to you.??the amount arrive at your bank would be 1727.5 - 3.3 =1324.2 usd. but if the middle bank or your bank will charge or how many will charge, our bank cannot know. they can only tell me is that the middle bank or your bank will charge 3-5 usd usually. so we can only know the amount is about 1324.2 or little less thank the amount.
all the information is what our bank can tell us. would you please check now. because our bank tell me the money has arrived at your banks within 3 days after they rejected on 18th, nov.
no. i he not gotten anything.??you confirmed in your email the amount you know was deducted by your bank to return money.??you he not confirmed how much or if a third party took any money.
again, unless you can tell me the amount that was returned which should he been the amount sent, i can not do anything about this.? ?you want me to pull a number from an account that has numerous transitions go in and out.??i can not and will not pick my account looking an imaginary dollar amount.
i he said here that i he not stated before.??the difference is simply this:??you can’t tell me a figure!
然后,我的小伙伴那几天一直就催客户打订金,客户又和我投诉:他打了订金,lahm又让他打。他觉得lahm在骗他,让他重复打钱,还把他的货扣了,不给他发(之前有说过,有15套产品要月底才发)。他说我应该把lahm投到监狱去…… 神仙姐姐呀,我敢把老板投到监狱去呀!!!!我只能骗客户说,我决定把lahm放到培训班去培训,他培训不好就不让他来工作了~~~~